-The Indian Express Days after The Indian Express published pictures of police breaking open and looting a stall during the Dhule riots of January 6, six local policemen have been arrested for the crime. The six men — four State Reserve Police (SRP) personnel and two police constables — were arrested on Friday and charged with theft and dishonestly breaking open property under IPC Sections 380 and 461. If convicted, they face...
Childhood interrupted-Nicole Rangel Menezes
-The Hindu The case of the juvenile offender in the Delhi gang rape is a wake-up call for investing more in a protection scheme that will stop children from turning to crime During the 11 years I worked with the emergency helpline service Childline, I have had the opportunity to befriend many children who live on the edge of society. Among them was 11-year-old Arif, who lived with a gang of boys...
More »Life term means life in jail: Centre advisory to states -Amitabh Sinha
-The Indian Express With life term being one of the stringent punishments being considered for crimes against women, the Centre has sent an advisory to all states to clear the air on the meaning of the term. Life imPRIsonment means jail term for the entire life of the convict and not just 20 years or 14 years in PRIson, the February 1 advisory states. The clarification follows the prevailing confusion on the...
More »The Nandy Bully-S Anand
-Outlook The sorts of corruption that matter are a purview of privileged “An intellectual man can be a good man but he may easily be a rogue. Similarly an intellectual class may be a band of high-souled persons, ready to help, ready to emancipate erring humanity, or it may easily be a gang of crooks or a body of advocates of narrow clique from which it draws its support.” —B.R....
More »2009-11: 68,000 Rape Cases But Only 16,000 Sentenced
-Outlook Nearly 68,000 rape cases were registered across the country during 2009-11 but only 16,000 rapists were sentenced to PRIson, presenting a dismal picture of conviction of sexual offenders. According to the National Crime Records Bureau, 24,206 rape cases were registered in India in 2011 but only 5,724 people were convicted for the crime. Similarly, in 2010, 22,172 rape cases were registered while the number of convicted persons for the crime was 5,632. A...
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