Chief minister Arjun Munda is all set to revive the Jharkhand State Planning Board — first formed during his second innings as head of state — to assist his government in drawing up development plans based on scientific assessment of available resources. The move comes close on the heels of the government setting up a three-member panel, headed by noted economist Bibek Debroy, to prepare the state’s development report. Speaking to The...
What's in NREGA for the middle class? by Aruna Roy
Despite its seminal success in beginning a process of addressing issues of poverty, starvation and empowering the poor, the MGNREGA needed a general election to breathe life into it. However, the disproportionate influence of the middle class on social sector policy has led to the same set of pre-election prejudices resurfacing. "What use is the MGNREGA to the economy at large?" asks the businessman, one eye fixed apprehensively on the share...
More »Unemployment touches all-time high of 210 million, says ILO by J Balaji
“G20 nations must create 21 million jobs each year over next decade” Positive employment growth found in all countries in 2010: ILO analysis But it has not been strong enough to reverse the slack accumulated during economic crisis Though many countries including India are limping back to normality after facing economic slowdown over the past few years, the unemployment graph is still moving up and has touched an all-time high of 210 million...
More »A Deadly Misdiagnosis by Michael Specter
Every afternoon at about four, a slight woman named Runi slips out of the cramped, airless room that she shares with her husband and their sixteen children. She skirts the drainage ditch in front of the building, then walks toward the pile of hardened dung cakes that people in this slum on the edge of the northeastern Indian city of Patna use for fuel. Dressed in a bright-yellow sari shot...
More »Debroy panel gets a look-in by Suman K Srivastava
A three-member team of experts, headed by economist Bibek Debroy, began its job of mapping a growth path of politically unstable Jharkhand today by meeting chief minister Arjun Munda and discussing the contours of a state development report. Working on a three-month time frame, Debroy, who was approached by Munda to take up the assignment, said his meeting with the chief minister was productive. “He has given us some thoughts to work...
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