-The Hindu The UP govt will also settle around Rs. 6,000 crore of NPAs of 7 lakh small and marginalised farmers. Lucknow: The Yogi Adityanath-led BJP government in Uttar Pradesh, at its first Cabinet meeting on Tuesday, announced its decision to waive farmers’ loans worth Rs. 30,729 crore, writing off all farm loans up to Rs. 1 lakh. The government will also settle around Rs. 6,000 crore of NPAs of seven lakh...
UP govt to waive off agriculture loans of 1.5 crore small farmers
-The Times of India VARANASI: Uttar Pradesh chief minister Aditya Nath Yogi would take the final call on waiving agriculture loan in the first meeting of his cabinet sometime this week. UP agriculture minister Surya Pratap Shahi said a list of 1.5 crore farmers has been finalised and sent to the chief minister. Farm loan waiver was one of the biggest pre-poll promises that the Bharatiya Janata Party had made to...
More »Farmers need better prices
-The Hindu Business Line The Government should honour its MSP promise and lift trade curbs The Government move to impose an import duty of 10 per cent on wheat and tur is a timely one. With a bumper harvest likely in wheat this year, market prices have dropped below MSP. Apart from estimates of higher arrivals in mandis, higher imports in recent months too have hit prices. In January alone, 1.13 million...
More »Loan waiver leaves Indian farmers trapped in deadly debt spiral -Bibhudatta Pradhan & Pratik Parija
-Livemint.com Narendra Modi’s election promise in Uttar Pradesh comes back to haunt as other states demand the Union govt offer an agriculture bailout package across the country New Delhi: An election promise to farmers in the politically sensitive state of Uttar Pradesh is coming back to haunt Prime Minister Narendra Modi, as other states demand the Union government offer an agriculture bailout package across the country. During the hard-fought election campaign, Modi pledged...
More »Sustainable Agriculture: Punjab's search for a less water-guzzling, yet high-yielding paddy -Divya Goyal & Harish Damodaran
-The Indian Express A new 125-day rice variety promises to provide some respite to Punjab farmers, depleting aquifers Ludhiana: A new variety maturing within 125 days, yet yielding nearly as much as those now grown over 135-160 days, could provide the ultimate solution to Punjab’s woes stemming from farming of water-guzzling paddy. Punjab Agricultural University (PAU) has released a paddy variety PR-126 that gives an average of 30 quintals per acre. This is...
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