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Corruption in India increased in past 2 years, global study says

-PTI NEW DELHI: About three-fourth of Indians say corruption has increased in the past two years and an equal number term the phenomenon a problem, a global study by Transparency International said today. Transparency International's Global Corruption Barometer 2013 report revealed that while 40 per cent of the respondents in India felt corruption has increased a lot, 31 per cent said that it has increased in the past two years. Similarly, 47...

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Global survey paints dismal picture of corruption in India-T Ramachandran

-The Hindu blog   Data from the latest Transparency International report throws up few surprises as far as India is concerned. Virtually no key institution or sector in India is seen as being free from corruption in the latest survey of the international anti-corruption watchdog Transparency International, which, in its report 'Global Corruption Barometer 2013' states that BRIbe paying levels remain "very high" worldwide. Data from the report offers interesting insights into global corruption...

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Congress readies Rs 500 crore campaign to play down corruption & hard sell achievements -Nidhi Sharma

-The Economic Times NEW DELHI: Its image pockmarked by a succession of corruption scandals involving the government, Congress has quietly launched a beauty parade of advertising agencies to pick the ones that will buff it up for the upcoming election season. Its single-point BRIef to the agencies: to play down corruption and hard sell its welfare credentials. Leaders in the Grand Old Party, which, according to insiders, has readied a war chest...

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Uttarakhand: Humans out, who will rescue the animals?

-The Indian Express Dehradun: This horse has spent his entire life ferrying pilgrims to and from Kedarnath Dham. And since December 16 -- when the first rush of water brought with it untold devastation for the region -- this horse has been stuck on a rocky bed across river Mandakini, without a blade of grass to graze on. We shall call him Hope. ''All attempts, by NGOs and even the Army, to...

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Prof. Sukhpal Singh, Centre for Management of Agriculture, IIM Ahmedabad interviewed by Anupama Katakam

-Frontline Professor Sukhpal Singh, a faculty member of the Centre for Management of Agriculture at the Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad, has been researching and documenting the process of contract farming and food supply chains in India for more than a decade. He is of the view that the small farmer is being excluded in the method currently in place, which defeats the very purpose of improving Indian agriculture. Sukhpal Singh,...

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