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Story in numbers-Pramit Bhattacharya

Tribal Health Indicators A tribal child is 25% more likely to be underweight and 40% more likely to die before five years of age compared with an average Indian child. The proportion of low birth-weight children at around 23% as well as the proportion of neo-natal deaths at roughly 40% is similar for tribals and others. However, more tribal children die in the 1-4 age group compared with others, according to the World...

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Hint of foeticide being imported from India by GS Mudur

-The Telegraph Indian women living in Canada are more likely to have male babies during their second or third deliveries, according to a new study that hints Indians may have carried the malaise of female foeticide to Canada. Researchers in Canada have found that the male-female ratio of babies born to women from India who already have children is significantly higher than the ratio observed among women from other countries, including Pakistan. Their...

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Woman's plea to SC: Child marriage can't deny me a job-Dhananjay Mahapatra

A woman who was forced into marriage as a minor and suffered years of abuse before obtaining a divorce and qualifying for the Madhya Pradesh state civil service has petitioned Supreme Court that a law to discourage child marriage is being used unfairly to deny her a job. Responding to Ratnarashi Pandey's plea, the Supre8me Court on Monday issued notice to the MP government on her challenging the validity of a...

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RTE declares war on education entrepreneurship, feel PE investors-Ahona Ghosh & Saumya Bhattacharya

Entrepreneurs and investors , who had only recently found innovative ways to invest in education as a business , are concerned about the financial impact of the Supreme Court ruling last week upholding the Right to Education Act. All schools, except minority unaided ones , will now have to set aside 25% of seats for poor students .  While most investors welcome the move , they also worry about funding the...

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Indian mothers in Canada have more sons: study

-The Indian Express A new study has found that mothers born in India but living in Canada are significantly more likely to have male babies for their second and third births compared with women in Canada. Researchers from St. Michael’s Hospital and the University of Toronto conducted the study. "Our findings raise questions about why there are more male liveborns than female liveborns among Indian couples who have had two or more previous...

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