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Food price flare-up has no real winners -Sayantan Bera * As consumers bear the brunt of high food costs, growers see no benefit. How long will this strange dynamic last? * Many lower income consumers are also not enrolled under the federal food security scheme. An estimate suggests that over 100 million eligible Indians are excluded Ramesh Pangal calls it a season of miseries: Farmers running around with vegetables to find a buyer; leaving tomatoes to rot in the field; dumping...

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Why farmers are not cheering their exceptional feat this kharif season -Richard Mahapatra

-Down to Earth Highest rice acreage in six years, more farmers in farms, a bounty monsoon and an expected bumper harvest don't enthuse farmers as their earning dips   It is a piece of news that everybody would love to cheer about, except those who made this possible. The current kharif season is exceptional. In comparison to last year, over eight million more hectares of farms are under cultivation this season. There are more...

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‘Lockdown takes toll on 18.9 mn salaried jobs, informal sector shows silver lining’

-The Indian Express The plight of salaried employees has worsened since the lockdown, with a loss of 17.7 million salaried jobs in April, additional 0.1 million jobs in May, followed by gain of 3.9 million jobs in June and then again loss of 5 million jobs in July, it said. New Delhi: Salaried jobs suffered the biggest hit during the lockdown, with total loss estimated to be at 18.9 million during April-July,...

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People's Bank of China acquires stake in ICICI Bank

-The Telegraph Move comes amid the standoff between New Delhi and Beijing in Ladakh and Modi govt tightening its rules on FDI from the country Mumbai: The People's Bank of China (PBOC) — the Chinese central bank — is using the portfolio route to pick up stakes in Indian companies amid the standoff between New Delhi and Beijing in Ladakh and the Modi government tightening its rules on foreign direct investment (FDI)...

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To resolve the agrarian crisis, there is need for more public investment in agriculture, remunerative prices, and land reforms, among other things, say experts and activists during the Janata Parliament

-Press release by Jan Sarokar, dated 19th August, 2020 The agriculture session of the Janta Parliament was held earlier today. Please click here to acccess the press release related to the online session on agriculture that was held on 19th August, 2020. Please click here to watch the recorded session. In the session on agriculture, the speakers included Hannah Mollah from the All India Kisan Sabha (AIKS), Prof R Ramakumar from the...

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