-The Hindu According to the latest rules, ‘explicitly informed consent’ from customers has been made compulsory. Following the Airtel India-Aadhaar subsidy fiasco, the Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) on Tuesday has tightened the norms for mapping Aadhaar number to a different Bank Account. According to the latest rules, ‘explicitly informed consent’ from customers has been made compulsory. The National Payments Corporation of India (NPCI) will disable the override feature that UIDAI said was...
Govt unlikely to table FRDI Bill in budget session of parliament
-PTI The joint committee on the FRDI Bill has been granted an extension of time up to the last day of Budget Session 2018, speaker Sumitra Mahajan informed the Lok Sabha New Delhi: The Financial Resolution and Deposit Insurance Bill, or FRDI Bill, may not be introduced in Parliament even during the budget session, as the joint committee looking into it got an extension for submitting its report. Lok Sabha speaker Sumitra Mahajan...
More »Bank depositors' interests will be protected, assures PM
-The Hindu Business Line Blames UPA for NPA mess; says industry bodies should have been more vigilant New Delhi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi did not mince words when he addressed industry captains at the 90th Annual General Meeting of the Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry here on Wednesday. In a speech that lasted slightly over 45 minutes, Modi put to rest all concerns pertaining to use of individuals deposits for...
More »Rural workers of Jharkhand demand their rights
-Right to Food Jharkhand Ranchi (Jharkhand): Close to 1,000 NREGA workers and other rural labourers converged to Birsa Chowk from 12 districts of Jharkhand today and sat on dharna to protest against repeated attacks on their right to food and right to work. The event was jointly organised by Right to Food Campaign Jharkhand and NREGA Watch. The dharna was prompted by a series of recent starvation deaths in Jharkhand. The...
More »5 months on, farm loan waivers for only 1.7 mn Maharashtra farmers -Abhiram Ghadyalpatil
-Livemint.com Maharashtra minister for cooperation Subhash Deshmukh admits to delays and problems in the implementation of farm loan waiver in the state Mumbai: When Maharashtra’s mega farm loan waiver was announced in June, it was initially planned to help 8.9 million indebted farmers. This was later wound down to cover 5.6 million farmers. Five months on, it has managed to reach just 1.7 million. State minister for co-operation Subhash Deshmukh said on Tuesday...
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