-The Hindu It has been insisting that the audit of KG-DWN-98/3 block not be made public Emboldened by the stagnation in the arbitration proceedings, the Mukesh Ambani-owned Reliance Industries Limited (RIL) has once again stalled the audit of KG-DWN-98/3 block by Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG) by refusing to furnish records, financial accounts and SAP access for the KG D6 block for the 2008-12 period on various grounds. It is learnt that RIL...
Moving to the House -Upendra Baxi
-The Indian Express On the Delhi rape case, let’s keep the indignation, disturb legislative slumbers The Verma Committee Report (VCR) speaks against civil society and political rape cultures. The poignancy and urgency of the VCR owes much to the experience of conversing with rape survivors and traumatised children. A precious message of the VCR is this: one may not take law reform seriously without taking human and social suffering equally seriously. The committee...
More »How To Waive Crores Goodbye -Lola Nayar and Panini Anand
-Outlook UPA’s populist trumpcard of 2008—the farm loan waiver—has fallen short of its intended target, as a CAG audit throws up The Scheme 2008 Union finance minister P. Chidambaram announces farmer debt waiver and relief scheme in budget; PM Manmohan Singh writes to beneficiaries “seeking their support” Rs 52,275 cr Total money that was disbursed to eligible farmers across the nation as part of loan waiver scheme Rs 50,000 The loan...
More »Government must act on excellent Verma panel report on sexual assault crimes
-The Economic Times The Justice Verma Committee, set up to recommend reforms to deal with sexual assault crimes, has come out with a comprehensive and laudable report. Not only did the committee take on board suggestions from a range of academics, activists, lawyers et al, but also came out with the report dot on time. Now, the ball is firmly in the government's court; and as the report notes, unless...
More »Justice JS Verma committee's recommendations: Complete list
-DNA 1. The equality of women, being integral to the Constitution, its denial is a sacrilege and a constitutional violation. Sustained constitutional violations mean that governance is not in accordance with the Constitution. A fortiori, all limbs of the State - the executive, the legislature as well as the judiciary -must respect women’s rights and must treat them in a non-discriminatory manner. 2. As a primary recommendation, all marriages in India (irrespective...
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