Three tea shops in Subbaiahpuram near Alangkulam in Tirunelveli district were sealed by police on Friday for discriminating against dalits by using the 'double tumbler' system. The tea shop owners have also been arrested. Tirunelveli SP Asra Garg said he got information that the teashops were serving dalits with a different set of tumblers and decided to visit the village on Friday morning. "I was ashamed to see the dalits...
Disabled quota push by Cithara Paul
For the first time, a job quota will be thrust on the private sector if the government accepts a panel’s recommendation for reservations for the disabled and turns it into law. The government-instituted committee has suggested extending to the private sector the 3 per cent reservation for the physically challenged that now exists in government jobs. It also wants a 5 per cent quota introduced for disabled students in private educational institutions...
More »Barwani tribals allege wrongful arrests by Mahim Pratap Singh
Recently, Union Home Secretary G.K. Pillai wrote to the Madhya Pradesh Forest Department, expressing concern at alleged atrocities committed on tribals. While top officials of the Forest Department have rejected the “allegations” as baseless and ill-informed, a recent case in the Barwani district justifies Mr. Pillai's concerns. When Valsingh Sastia, an Adivasi, decided to repair the roof of his house before the monsoon, he had little idea that it would land him...
More »Campaign against caste census denounced
Janhit Abhiyan, an umbrella group of professors, writers, filmmakers, journalists and social justice proponents, has, in a statement, denounced the campaign against caste-based census by “a section of intellectuals and media,” and said this amounted to undermining the consensus arrived at in Parliament. The statement was signed among others by Prof. Tulsiram and Prof. Chamanlal of the Jawaharlal Nehru University; writers Surendra Mohan, Sheeba Aslam Fahmi , Umrao Singh Jatav and...
More »World View: RTI gives India's poor a lever by Lydia Polgreen
Chanchala Devi always wanted a house. Not a mud-and-stick hut, like her current home in this desolate village in the mineral-rich, corruption-corroded state of Jharkhand, but a proper brick-and-mortar house. When she heard that a government program for the poor would give her about $700 to build that house, she applied immediately. As an impoverished day labourer from a downtrodden caste, she was an ideal candidate for the grant. Yet she...
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