Atleast 35 people, mostly adults, have died of various infections, including swine flu, at Warud in Amravati district in a month, with seven deaths occurring in the past 24 hours. The town, which is famous for its orange cultivation, is around 100 km from Nagpur. Health officials blamed the high casualty number on a recent policy change. The government centralised purchase of medicines for public hospitals earlier this year citing corruption...
Dilemmas of equality in education by Philip G Altbach & Eldho Mathews
Kerala has done well in the field of higher education and holds much promise. But further policy initiatives are needed to sustain the momentum and prepare for future challenges. Kerala, almost alone among Indian States, has pursued a consistent and in many ways successful higher education policy. It educates 18 per cent of its young people, double the national average, and has universal literacy. It is worth looking at what might...
More »National HR panel to bridge health professional shortage
The government proposes to set up a national commission for human resources in health to plan for the adequate availability of human resource for health over the next 20 years. ‘‘We are also considering the establishment of a national commission for human resources in health (NCHRH) to be set up as an umbrella organisation addressing all aspects of human resource development in the health sector,’’ Union minister of health and family...
More »Class Struggle
The success of programmes like the Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA) and Mid Day Meal Scheme (MDMS) in getting most children enrolled at the primary level has created the illusion that the government is now finally getting down to business and boldly financing education. Spending on education quadrupled between 1990-91 and 2000-01 . Since 2004-05 , the combined expenditure on education by the Centre and states has increased at a blistering...
More »Shortage of doctors in rural areas, says CM
Despite the presence of an adept emergency ambulance service in the state, patients continue to suffer due to the acute shortage of doctors and paramedical staff, more so in rural areas, chief minister K Rosaiah said on Sunday. Speaking at a programme on the fifth anniversary of `108' Emergency Response Services in the city, Rosaiah said that even though the state spends Rs 30 lakh on every medical graduate passing...
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