-The Hindu Unlike many countries that have passed laws to protect citizens' privacy, the Indian state is collecting more and more information about private individuals under various pretexts and restricting their right to access their own information Does a serving employee of a premier intelligence agency have the right to inspect his own biodata which that agency handed over to another public authority? Then again, does a former employee of that agency...
Manual scavengers want life of dignity, security -Mohammad Ali
-The Hindu New Delhi: Moni will never forget July 13, the last day she spent with her father Ashok. The following noon he went inside a drain sewer in the basement of the Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts (IGNCA) in the heart of Lutyens' Delhi and did not return. Hit by the poisonous rush of gases, Ashok and two of his colleagues died on the spot. Till date there has...
More »Food security Bill: Separating wheat from chaff -Ravish Tiwari
-The Indian Express As the Parliament session begins, it would be interesting to see how the food Bill debate pans out and what the stands parties take say about them. Both the main ideological opponents of the ruling Congress - the BJP and Left - have sounded a discordant note. However, their objections are more perfunctory in nature than anything else. The Left, which had so vehemently pushed the job scheme MNREGS as...
More »Economists on the Wrong Foot: a critique of Jagdish Bhagwati and Amartya Sen-Ashish Kothari and Aseem Shrivastava
-IndiaResists.com The ongoing debate between two stalwart economists, Amartya Sen and Jagdish Bhagwati, must be joined by those who understand contemporary realities and challenges in terms altogether different from those of mainstream economists. In a recent (July 27) article in Times of India, Bhagwati's co-author Arvind Panagariya characterizes the differences between the two in the following terms. Sen favours education and health measures as being the first steps to tackle poverty...
More »Facing flak, govt to revise poverty line benchmark
-The Times of India NEW DELHI: The government will soon revise the contentious poverty line upward from Rs 27.20 in rural areas and Rs 33.40 in urban areas after it receives the report of the Rangarajan committee that is examining the validity of the current yardstick. Minister of state for planning Rajeev Shukla told TOI the government was in the process of re-evaluating the poverty line in a bid to make it...
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