-Outlook The Bombay High Court today directed Congress MP Naveen Jindal-owned Jindal Steel and Power Ltd, which has filed a Rs 200 crore defamation suit against a news channel, to submit the transcripts and records of the 'sting operation' on alleged extortion demand made by the channel. The order was passed by Justice S J Kathawalla, who was hearing the defamation suit filed by JSPL against Subhash Chandra, Puneet Goenka, Sudhir Chaudhary...
Is India’s Rising Billionaire Wealth Bad for the Country? -Vivek Dehejia
-The New York Times Blog The strength and direction of the Indian economy may be up for debate, but one remarkable fact is not: There has been massive growth in the number and wealth of billionaires in India since the economic liberalization measures in 1991. The phenomenon has often been compared to the United States’ experience in the latter part of the 19th century. This was a period evocatively described by Mark...
More »The new political nexus-Sucheta Dalal
-MoneyLife.in If you were wondering why most of the recent major cases of corruption have not been exposed by opposition parties, especially the BJP, now you have the answer: they are all in it together. I am ready for any inquiry,” repeated Nitin Gadkari on every television channel where he brazenly defended the dubious shell companies and land allotment that propelled the growth of his ballooning ‘social entrepreneurship’. The irony is that Nitin...
More »All the news that’s unfit to print -Aditya Sinha
-DNA No one believes the news anymore. Who can blame them? The newspapers are so noisy, filled with Scams and slanging matches, that even a top newspaper-bureaucrat like your columnist cringes while scanning the morning’s front pages. I too don’t want to read the papers. Then there’s the matter of credibility: the media is barely clinging to the last vestige of public trust, and that’s only because the institution of the...
More »The Dark And The Sublime: The Story Of Rajat Gupta-Shaili Chopra
-Tehelka The sentencing of Wall Street wizard Rajat Gupta in the historic insider trading case has led to the fall of a one-time icon for many Indians “This is where destiny is taking me.” This is what former Goldman Sachs Group Inc director, Rajat Gupta, told old friend Pramod Bhasin, as he sat with a glass of scotch in hand, in a mid-town bar in New York. Little did Gupta know how prophetic...
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