-The Hindustan Times The Delhi high court on Friday directed the state government’s education department to fill up the vacant seats for students from the economically weaker section (EWS) during the summer vacations so that they can join after the schools reopen in July. The order came after the Delhi government informed the court that around 9,835 nursery seats under the EWS category are vacant in 1,186 unaided private schools in 2012-13...
Posco in limbo-V Venkatesan
The National Green Tribunal's decision to suspend the environmental clearance given to Posco vindicates the project's critics. ON March 30, the Principal Bench of the newly formed National Green Tribunal (NGT) delivered a momentous decision suspending the environmental clearance (EC) given to the South Korean transnational corporation, Posco, to set up an integrated steel plant at Paradip in Odisha's Jagatsinghpur district. The former Union Minister for Environment and Forests, Jairam...
More »Detenu can't invoke RTI Act, Centre tells apex court
-PTI The Centre today told Supreme Court that habitual offenders detained under special preventive detention laws cannot invoke the jurisdiction of the Right To Information(RTI) Act to know the grounds for the action against them. Appearing before a three-judge bench of justices Altamas Kabir, Gyan Sudha Mishra and J Chalameshwar, Additional Solictor General P P Malhotra said the RTI Act was not available to suspects as the legislation was subordinate to...
More »RTI activists say politicians using RTI queries to spy on them
-Mid-Day.com Politicians are not known to be fans of the Right to Information Act, but now they seem to have discovered that they can use the same law to obtain details on RTI activists' work, allegedly in order to know which activist they need to harass to prevent the next big expose. RTI activists claim that political leaders are making their proxies use the sunshine law to know what information the activists...
More »Disabled pin hopes on RTE Act-Vasudha Venugopal
Accessible curriculum, teacher training a must in schools, say activists Poorva Subramanium is barely 10 years old, but has learnt an important lesson in life — not to trouble her parents when they come out of the schools they have been visiting these days. “It is frustrating. No school wants to admit her. She is good at shapes, colours and can also read,” says her mother, showing her report card from...
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