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Why citizenship amendment bill has created a row -Shaswati Das Opposition to the citizenship amendment bill stems from fears that it will give legitimacy to illegal migrants in India. ‘Mint’ decodes the controversy surrounding the bill The Citizenship (Amendment) Bill, 2016, has led to protests in the North-East after its passage in the Lok Sabha last week. Opposition to the bill stems from fears that it will give legitimacy to illegal migrants in India. Mint decodes the controversy surrounding the bill. *...

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Govt should read warning signs and put passage of Citizenship Amendment Bill on hold -Sanjoy Hazarika

-The Economic Times The Citizenship (Amendment) Bill, passed earlier this month in the Lok Sabha, has created a furore across Assam and other states across India. In Assam, a key coalition partner of the ruling BJP, Asom Gana Parishad (AGP), quit the state government, accusing the Centre of being anti-Assam. Anti-Delhi rage is not new, whether for AGP or other regional parties in Assam. It’s Been part of the political landscape from...

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The coast is unclear: on the 2018 CRZ notification -Kanchi Kohli & Manju Menon

-The Hindu The Coastal Regulation Zone notification of 2018 increases the vulnerability of coastal people to climate disasters The National Democratic Alliance government has unleashed several extremely unimaginative developmental policies that target areas that have retained some degree of ecological value to turn them into sites for industrial production. This is despite evidence of the damaging effects of such policies. The latest instance of this is the Coastal Regulation Zone (CRZ) notification...

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ASER: Uptick in primary reading and maths, govt schools script turnaround -Sukrita Baruah and Uma Vishnu

-The Indian Express For the first time since 2010, slightly more than half (50.5%) of all children in Class 5 can read a Class 2 text book, up from 46.9% in 2012. Close to a decade since the Right to Education Act came into force and after years of flagging dismal learning levels, the latest Annual Status of Education Report (ASER 2018) holds a glimmer of hope. While most children in...

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Right to Food Campaign criticizes Jharkhand Government's move to reduce the number of eggs in School Midday Meals

-Press release by Right to Food Campaign dated 16th January, 2019 It is shocking to learn that Jharkhand Government has decided to reduce the number of weekly eggs in school midday meals from three to two. Earlier, the government allotted Rs 4 per egg. With increase in price of eggs, it has revised the allotment to Rs 6 per egg. But instead of increasing the total budget commensurately with the inflation...

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