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New drug pricing creates artificial scarcity-Shyama Rajagopal

-The Hindu Kochi: An artificial scarcity of drugs looms large with the new drug pricing regime, slashing prices for 348 essential drugs, set to prevail from July 29. Many retailers who stock medicines for a week are not picking up medicines and are keeping a minimum inventory. Some retailers said distributors were not making medicines available. It has sent medical retail stores into a tizzy about the fate of already available stocks. J.S....

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Rs 27 per day: India's new rural poverty line

-Down to Earth New poverty estimate claims fastest ever decline in poverty during UPA's regime The Planning Commission has declared the new poverty line for rural and urban areas. It is Rs 27 a day for rural areas and Rs 30 a day for urban areas. Just a year ago when the Commission suggested a poverty line of Rs 22 a day for rural areas, there was a national outrage over it. Subsequently,...

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Organised sector share in milk business should rise to 50 per cent: Sharad Pawar

-PTI NEW DELHI: To ensure sufficient supply of milk at affordable rates, Agriculture Minister Sharad Pawar today said there is a need to increase the share of organised sector in milk business to 50 per cent by the end of the current (12th) Five Year Plan in March, 2017. Despite severe drought in some states like Maharashtra this year, milk production has not reduced, thereby providing good supplementary income to farmers and...

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Bhagwati versus Sen: What's going on?-Mihir S Sharma

-The Business Standard 7 things you should know in the Bhagwati vs Sen slugfest Jagdish Bhagwati and Amartya Sen are the two Indian economists who are most respected for their work. Both have worked on a broad spectrum of issues, though Sen is best known for his work on public choice and development and Bhagwati for his work on trade. They are both liberal, neoclassical economists, who support deregulation and disapprove of...

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The buck should not stop with Meena Kumari- Apoorvanand Let us recount some facts to understand the circumstances that led to the death of 23 children at a primary school at Gandaman, Chapra . First, some micro-facts : The primary school struck by the tragedy is a NAV SRJIT VIDYALAYA, a newly created school. In fact, it is a break away from an earlier existing middle school in the village. This school, if you care...

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