Total Matching Records found : 6565

One in four births aided by untrained midwives in India-Kounteya Sinha

Less than two in 10 women in India received medical attention by a qualified professional in 2010 while delivering at home. Contrary to popular belief, fewer women in urban India received medical attention while delivering at home than rural India - 10.8% against 16.2%. Nearly 1 in 4 births overall were attended by "untrained functionaries" - varying from as high as 53.5% in Jharkhand to as low as 0.2% in...

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Chicken pox hits entire village in Madhya Pradesh by Suchandana Gupta

Chandoriya village in Madhya Pradesh's Raisen district is down with chicken pox. Over the past 10 days, the virus has spread through the dalit-dominated hamlet situated about 120km north of the state capital.  The district administration on Sunday rushed a medical team to Chandoriya. The situation went out of control as villagers had more faith in quacks than the government hospital and health centres. They believed the disease came as the...

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Bill prohibiting manual scavenging in monsoon session by Aarti Dhar

Deadline to be fixed for conversion of insanitary latrines Employing people for manual scavenging and cleaning of septic tanks and sewers will attract a hefty penalty once the Prohibition of Employment as Manual Scavengers and their Rehabilitation Bill, 2012 is passed. The Bill that seeks to prohibit employment as sanitary workers is to be tabled in Parliament in the monsoon session. The proposed law suggests that every insanitary latrine will have to...

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Slow progress mars effort to make Satara schools RTE compliant

-The Times of India The building of school infrastructure as per norms set by the Right to Free and Compulsory Education (RTE) Act, is moving at a rather slow pace in the neighbouring Satara district. This, despite the substantial financial allocations made through the central government's Sarva Shiksha Abhiyaan (SSA) programme. An independent assessment of 146 schools across Satara district, carried out by the New Delhi-based Centre for Policy Research (CPR), has...

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Crime, sex and violence too under the gavel-Nikhil Kanekal

An ongoing hearing before a constitutional bench of the Supreme Court, looking into media coverage of sub-judice cases, has had its scope expanded to include coverage of criminal investigations and television shows containing sex and violence. The court intends to examine questions related to criminal investigations, including raids, questioning and arrests by police officials. If the court does rule adversely, then crime reporting may no longer be the same and late-night...

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