The Maharashtra government launched the Rajiv Gandhi Jeevandayi Arogya Yojana here on Sunday, enabling families with annual income of less than Rs. 1 lakh to avail free medical facilities worth Rs. 1.5 lakh. Health Minister Suresh Shetty announced that this scheme, when fully implemented, would benefit close to 2.5 crore families. However, Deputy Chief Minister Ajit Pawar, while praising the scheme, lamented the rising rate of population in the State. Mr....
Hazare launches blog, flays government by AMRUTa Byatnal
Accuses the government of creating ‘false propaganda' that he gave up fast because of some "favourite ministers" Anti-graft crusader Anna Hazare has taken on the government yet again; this time through his blog. The activist, in his first blog entry, has accused the government of creating ‘false propaganda' that he gave up his fast because of some “favorite ministers.” “I came to understand some government agents tried to propagate and create an...
More »Team Anna to undertake yatras, referendum on Jan Lokpal Bill by AMRUTa Byatnal
The activists said houses of members of the Standing Committee who oppose the Jan Lokpal Bill would be gheraoed. Taking the Jan Lokpal agitation further, Team Anna will now undertake a referendum and yatras to ensure that the people are aware of their elected representatives' performance and their stand on the Jan Lokpal Bill. These steps will ensure that the people hold the MPs accountable, Team Anna's core committee members said at...
More »Moreshwar Sathe was shot dead: eyewitnesses by AMRUTa Byatnal
‘The first bullet was from the back, and then he was shot again' Even as the police continue to claim that Moreshwar Sathe was not killed in a ‘fake encounter' in Tuesday's protests by farmers, two eyewitnesses told The Hindu on Friday that the police fired at him from a distance of just three feet. Vasantrao Garade and Anil Tupe from this village revealed in vivid details the incidents before and after...
More »Three die as Pune police open fire on protesting farmers by AMRUTa Byatnal
A farmers' protest against diversion of irrigation water and land acquisition turned ugly on Tuesday, as three people including a woman, were killed when the police opened fire to quell the agitation which became violent at Bahur village near the Pune-Mumbai express highway. The firing occurred around 11 a.m. Thousands of farmers had gathered in the morning to protest diversion of water from the Pavana Dam to the twin industrial township...
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