-The Indian Express Lok Sabha has cleared three labour code Bills. What are the key changes, and why are some being seen as a cause for concern? The Lok Sabha Tuesday cleared new versions of three labour Codes — Industrial Relations Code Bill, 2020, Code on Social Security Bill, 2020 and Occupational Safety, Health and Working Conditions Code Bill, 2020. While the government proposes to increase the ambit of social security by including...
Understanding the new labour Codes -Zia Haq
-Hindustan Times The Industrial Relations Code, 2020, bring new rules for hiring and firing of labour in mid-sized and large industries, making retrenchment easier. Parliament on Wednesday passed the three labour code bills – the Occupational Safety, Health And Working Conditions Code, 2020; the Industrial Relations Code, 2020; and the Code on Social Security, 2020 – merging 24 central labour laws in a major boost to labour reforms. The National Democratic Alliance...
More »Briefing Note for Parliamentarians on Labour Law Reforms
-Press release by Working Peoples' Charter dated 21st September, 2020 Amidst the micro and macro-economic crisis of the last 5 years, the union government has aggressively pushed the agenda of labour law reforms -- purportedly to simplify India’s ‘complex’ labour legislations, improve the business environment, and augment growth and employment. These changes, driven primarily by the business fraternity, have been aimed at improving India’s ranking in the ‘Ease of Doing Business’...
More »New report by American Bar Association exposes the dark underbelly of Indo-US sandstone trade
Often exports made by a country to the rest of the world are seen in a positive light by us. It is because exports not only earn precious foreign currencies (that can be used for importing goods and services or simply be used for building forex reserves), it also helps in generating effective demand for goods and services produced in that country and hence, contributes to economic or GDP growth....
More »It’s time to localise our food economy -PVS Suryakumar
-The Hindu Business Line The breaking down of supply chains during Covid has exposed the perils of centralisation. Giving a boost to boutique shops that promote local, nutritious and sustainable food is the way forward The first Satyagraha of Mahatma Gandhi was from Champaran in April 1917. He protested against the high-handedness of the British who coaxed peasants to cultivate ndigo as a cash-crop and later dictated prices. Farmers starved as food...
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