-The Hindu Srikakulam Collector asked to set up a special committee Hyderabad: Lok Ayukta of Andhra Pradesh Justice B. Subhashan Reddy has directed Srikakulam District Collector Saurabh Gaur to set up a special committee to survey the Kannedhara hillock on which granite mining lease was granted to D. Rammanohar Naidu, son of Minister for Roads & Buildings Dharmana Prasada Rao. Mr. Saurabh Gaur, a few other district officials, including the Assistant Director of...
Goa Govt to Inspect, Quantify Iron Ore
-Outlook Goa government has constituted several teams to inspect and quantify the iron ore stacked at various points in the state before allowing it to be exported, a senior official said today. The state government, in its order dated September 10, had decided to allow only the already extracted and ready for transportation ore to be exported, thus discouraging fresh extraction. The teams comprising officials from the mines and forest departments and Goa...
More »Goa to Tighten Mining Regulations From Aug 15
-PTI The Goa government has decided to implement stringent regulations on the mining industry in the state from August 15 onwards, with an aim to curtail unregulated and illegal mining in the state. Directorate of Mines and Geology in its letter to the association of mine owners, exporters and barges (ship carrying ore) owners has asked them to adhere to the new regulations, failing which strict action is prescribed in the notification. As...
More »The menace of destructive education policies-Debashis Gangopadhyay
Universities should not have to bow to research institutes, writes Debashis Gangopadhyay. Basic Sciences versus Applied Sciences Undermining humanities studies in schools will lead to a large number of science graduates in the market. This is a boon for multinational companies as profits will escalate — the cost of labour being lower. However, the danger to profits persist from another aspect. Students who study science out of their love for a subject are...
More »NDRF teams rush to Garo hills mines-Andrew W Lyngdoh
-The Telegraph Shillong: Two teams of National Disaster Response Force personnel were rushed to Meghalaya’s South Garo Hills district today to help rescue possible survivors among the 15 labourers trapped inside a coal mine since last week. The Guwahati-based personnel reached Nengkol in the Rongsa Awe area of Nangalbibra region — from where it is 10km to the coal mines — late this evening. Baghmara, the district headquarters, is around 480km from...
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