-The Indian Express Beed District Collector Naval Kishore Ram said the district had received around 45 per cent of its average rainfall in the past four years. Beed: Celebrations are on in Marathwada. It’s been raining for nearly 10 days now, and the region till recently in the news for a water train is marking the end of four years of drought with sweets, drums and photos next to overflowing dams. While...
Agrarian distress: Farmer suicides and the collapse of cooperative credit institutions -Partha Sarathi Biswas
-The Indian Express The incidence of farmers taking their own lives is higher in regions where cooperative banks are the weakest. Nanded (Maharashtra): The verdant soyabean fields at Digras today are a far cry from the barren landscape they presented only a few months ago. But for residents of this village in Ardhapur taluka of Nanded district, the memories of drought in three out of the last four years will not fade...
More »Maharashtra likely to witness drop in cotton production -Shubhangi Khapre
-The Indian Express The govt believes the shortfall of cotton coupled with greater overall demand in the market will ensure higher returns to the farmers Mumbai: Cotton production in Maharashtra is likely to fall by 10 to 15 per cent this year, the agriculture ministry has said. Farmers postponed the sowing of cotton because of a delayed monsoon, which can lead to a drop in output. The cotton-growing farmers in Marathwada and...
More »Drought forces change in region's cropping choices -Prasad Joshi
-The Times of India Aurangabad: A drastic shift in the cropping pattern in Marathwada over the past three decades has further exacerbated the drought situation in the region, a study has shown. The region has faced many as 12 moderate to severe droughts and 21 mild droughts in the last 55 years. Since the 1980s, the farmers in the region have opted out of cultivating sorghum (jowar), pearl millet (bajra) and oilseeds...
More »One month on, willful disobedience of the Supreme Court’s historic order on drought -Swaraj Abhiyan
-Press Release from Swaraj Abhiyan Following the historic order of the Supreme Court of India in the Swaraj Abhiyan PIL on drought, various peoples movements have taken initiatives to monitor the ground situation of drought relief. Swaraj Abhiyan in association with Ekta Parishad, Jal Biradari and National Alliance of People’s Movements organised Jal-Hal yatra from Latur to Mahoba (21st May to 31st May). Similar yatras were organised in Telangana (2nd to...
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