-Scroll.in Several reports showed Covid-19 patients in Mewla Gopalgarh village lying under a neem tree as they struggled to find hospital beds. The police in Uttar Pradesh have filed a first information report against the former head of a village for allegedly giving false statements to the media about the coronavirus and spreading rumours to tarnish the government’s image, The Times of India reported on Wednesday. The Times of India and The Wire...
'To Tackle COVID In Rural India, Enable At-Home Care, Involve Panchayats, NGOs' -Govindraj Ethiraj
-IndiaSpend.com The best way to arrest the COVID surge in India's villages is to rebuild people's trust in public systems, encourage home care and use simple technologies, say experts Mumbai: The number of COVID-19 cases in India is now slowing down a bit, with around 350,000 cases and fewer than 4,200 deaths every day. We know by now that on both numbers, there is considerable under-counting. The number of cases at a national...
More »In UP’s Vast Agra District, Govt Ensures Death & Pandemic Go Unrecorded -Ashutosh Bhardwaj
-Article-14.com In the sprawling rural hinterland beyond the Taj Mahal, in a region dotted with hospitals, we found a deluge of unreported and unrecorded SICkness and death, because the administration of chief minister Yogi Adityanath discourages record keeping, restricts testing and insists the pandemic is under control. Agra (Uttar Pradesh): In normal times, only a few bodies were cremated every week at the Poiya Ghat crematorium in rural Agra, 12 km and...
More »India learns a bitter lesson for disregarding crucial warnings and recommendations on Covid-19
In the month of April this year, there has been an unprecedented upsurge in daily new cases and daily new deaths in the country due to Covid-19. States, which reported large increases in daily new cases and daily new deaths, are Maharashtra, Kerala, Karnataka, Delhi and Uttar Pradesh, to name but a few. Data accessed from https://www.covid19india.org/, which is a crowdsourced platform and an independent aggregator of daily Covid-19 figures and...
More »Taxes On Covid-Related Drugs, Equipment Are Unacceptable
-NDTV The government is taxing people who buy Covid-related medical drugs like Remdesivir and others, as well as taxing the supplements and medical grade oxygen for oxygen cylinders, with a tax as high as 12 per cent. New Delhi: Indian and global medical experts are shocked at the Indian government making money off the SICk and dying. Every expert consulted for this report said this has to stop. A family that buys an...
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