-PTI Almost a month after CBI took over investigations into the murder Madhya Pradesh RTI activist Shehla Masood, her killing is still shrouded in mystery as the probe agency continues to look for answers, remaining tight-lipped about the progress in the case. "We are not in a position to share any details about the case looking at the sensitivity associated with the murder of the RTI activist," CBI's Bhopal Unit Deputy Inspector...
The life and death of Shehla Masood by Vandita Mishra
Stories abound in Bhopal of the life and death of Shehla Masood. But among those who knew her, there appears agreement on one point: something was so uncharacteristically passive, so un-Shehla-like, they say, about the dead body slumped in the driving seat of the silver-grey Santro on the morning of August 16, with no evident signs of struggle and a bullet hole in the neck. Some crude clues to the extraordinary...
More »Survival in the shadow of dams by Ananda Banerjee
Floods are vital to Kaziranga; dams on the upper reaches of the Brahmaputra could disrupt the balance A few weeks ago, much of the grasslands of Kaziranga National Park were under water. The monsoon floods bring with them their own set of problems—some of the animals, for instance, have to be rehabilitated—but they are required for the very existence of the park. The annual floods of the Brahmaputra creates grasslands, floodplains, and...
More »NGO helps adivasis with alternative plan for forest conservation by Dipannita Das
City-based NGO Kalpavriksh Environmental Action Group, in association with other forums and NGOs have helped the tribal populations in the Biligiri Rangaswamy temple sanctuary, also a tiger reserve, in Karnataka, to come up with an alternative community-based plan for conservation, livelihood and management of forest. So far, out of around 62 settlements, 25 in this protected area have got the community forest rights. According to experts, similar processes should also be...
More »Can Posco Cross the India Barrier? by Prince Mathews Thomas
The $12 billion Posco investment in India was supposed to be the biggest FDI project in the country. After six years that still remains on paper Horangineun jugeumyeon gajugeul namgigo, Sarameun jugeumyun ireumeul namginda (When tigers die, they leave behind leather. When people die, they leave their names behind) —Old Korean Proverb The news flash from Press Trust of India came on July 10, 2011. Posco, the $32 billion South Korean steel giant had decided to...
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