A Braille version of the Right to Information Act and its rules was released here on Thursday by the Gujarat Information Commission for the benefit of the visually challenged. According to Chief Information Commissioner R.N. Das, Gujarat is the first State to bring out a Braille version. He said the Commission was also working on bringing out an audio CD for the visually challenged and other differently abled people to explain...
Why is RTI back in news?
Why are the erstwhile RTI campaigners so alarmed five years after it became law? Why so many dharnas, rallies, conventions and hunger-strikes all over again? Part of the reason is that the silent revolution that the RTI has spawned needs to be defended from surreptitious alterations and manipulations, and partly because the RTI activists are being threatened, harassed and assaulted by the corrupt and the powerful, often with the connivance...
More »Less than activist by Madhav Khosla
Judicial review of executive action is not unique, but the remedy in the CVC case is a departure from the court's record of approach to corruption. THE Supreme Court's decision to declare the appointment of Chief Vigilance Commissioner (CVC) P.J. Thomas as non-existent in law has stimulated much debate. The political fallout of the ruling has been widely studied, with pundits pondering over how seriously it may impact the Prime Minister's...
More »Judicial check by V Venkatesan
The quashing of the appointment of P.J. Thomas as the CVC shows the judiciary can go beyond the express provisions of law to render justice. THE Indian Constitution does not envisage strict separation of powers among the three branches of the government – the executive, the legislature and the judiciary. This flexibility permits marginal incursions though one branch cannot usurp the essential functions of the other. One of the essential functions...
More »About 20,000 RTI applications pending
There are about 20,000 Right To Information (RTI) applications pending before the central information commission, former Chief Information Commissioner of India Wajahat Habibullah said here Friday. If people have to wait for long for the information they seek, then there is no justice and the act becomes useless, added Habibullah. The CIC ex-chief was attending a three-day national campaign for people's right to information on the theme 'Reclaiming Democracy', which began here...
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