-PTI Facebook India on Monday filed its compliance report before the Delhi court which had ordered it and 21 other websites to remove objectionable content from their websites. Google India also told the court that it has removed certain web pages from the Internet on which the petitioners raised objections. Meanwhile, Facebook, Yahoo and Microsoft told the court that they have no role to play in the case and there is no cause...
‘Google cannot use India’s IT laws as shield’ by Arpit Parashar
In the case against Google and Facebook for posting “objectionable content” on their websites, petitioner journalist Vinay Rai’s counsel H Hariharan argued in the Delhi High Court (HC) on Thursday that Google could not cite the country’s information technology laws and seek exemption from censoring content since it modified the content on its website to “generate business”. Hariharan argued that Google India could not get exemption under Section 79 of the...
More »21 websites including Google and Facebook liable to face prosecution for hosting inflammatory contents
-PTI All 21 websites, including Google and Facebook, summoned earlier by a magisterial court, are liable to face prosecution for being privy to the hosting of inflammatory contents on their webpages, the Delhi High Court was told today. The counsel for one Vinay Rai, who had moved the trial court for prosecution of various websites, including social networking sites and web search engines, argued before a bench of Justice Suresh Kait that...
More »Google, Facebook not above law: HC by Utkarsh Anand
Google and Facebook do have the right to freedom of speech and expression but they are not above the law, the Delhi High Court said on Thursday. “They are not above the law and their rights are to be determined under the laws of the land,” Justice Suresh Kait said, hearing a petition that sought to be heard in the matter on the ground that a sanction to prosecute the websites...
More »Censoring web content: Delhi HC to hear final arguments today
-CNN-IBN The Delhi High Court will hear final arguments in the objectionable online content case. Several social networking websites, including Google and Facebook, had approached the court requesting it to quash the trial court's order, which summoned them earlier. The trial court had warned the websites that the websites could face a ban if they didn't remove objectionable content. Google and Facebook, along with 16 other websites are facing criminal proceedings. Google and...
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