-The Hindu Pandemic relief was to end in March 2022. The Union Cabinet, chaired by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, on Saturday extended the Pradhan Mantri Garib Kalyan Anna Yojana (PM-GKAY) for another six months till September 2022. The scheme was originally introduced in April 2020 a month into the first lockdown during the initial onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. This will be the sixth phase of PM-GKAY. The Phase-V of the scheme was...
Sonia Gandhi asks government to resume midday meal
-The Telegraph She demanded that nutritional Food be provided to kids below three years who don’t come to school under the Integrated Child Development Scheme New Delhi: Congress president Sonia Gandhi on Wednesday requested the Narendra Modi government to immediately resume the midday meal scheme, arguing that children had been the worst affected by the pandemic both in terms of education and Food. Raising the matter during Zero Hour in the Lok Sabha,...
More »Farm income fell in four States despite aim to double income: parliamentary panel
-The Hindu While National farm income rose 27% between 2015-16 and 2018-19, Jharkhand saw a drop in monthly income by 30% The Centre vowed to double farmers’ income between 2015 and 2022, but by the midway point, farm families in Jharkhand actually saw their average monthly income drop by about 30%. In its report on the demand for grants for agriculture submitted to the Lok Sabha on Thursday, a parliamentary standing committee asked...
More »Soaring prices of wheat also have broad implications -Vivek Kaul
-Livemint.com Painful Food inflation has stoked political unrest in many countries before and could do so again In order to understand the political and economic repercussions of Russia’s attack on Ukraine, analysts and economists have been concentrating on the rise of crude oil and natural gas prices, among other things. This isn’t surprising given that Russia is the world’s second largest exporter of oil and the largest exporter of natural gas. But...
More »Lankans Flee To India Amid Country's Worst Economic Meltdown: 10 Points - Akhil Kumar
-NDTV.com Three elderly people have died waiting in queues to secure fuel since Saturday, police have said. New Delhi: As Sri Lanka faces its worst-ever economic crisis, with electricity blackouts and shortage of essential goods leading to massive protests, its nationals have started seeking refuge in India. Here's your 10-point cheatsheet to this big story: * The Indian Coast Guard on Tuesday apprehended six Sri Lankan nationals including three children, all residents of Jaffna...
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