Against the backdrop of the Finance Minister Shri Piyush Goyal announcing the Pradhan Mantri Kisan Samman Nidhi (PMKSN) programme during his budget speech on 1st February, 2019, it becomes essential to differentiate between 12.56 crore operational holding households (enumerated, as per the Agriculture Census) and 13.33 crore ownership holding households (estimated, as per the 70th round National Sample Survey report no. 571) pertaining to size upto 2 hectares. In his budget...
Interim Budget 2019: 'Gokul Mission funds have not been suitably utilised at all' -Jitendra
-Down to Earth The scheme is just 'lip service' for the Modi government says official even as Piyush Goyal allocates Rs 750 crore to it Usually, the Union government’s Budget is allocated for all types of livestock and animal husbandry development purposes. On February 1, 2019, interim Minister of Finance Piyush Goyal eulogised cattle in his speech and allocated Rs 750 crore for them under the Rashtriya Gokul Mission (RGM). RGM is...
More »430 Punjab Farmers Committed Suicide in One Year Since Loan Waiver Rollout A figure is based on data compiled by farmer union Bhartiya Kisan Union (Ugrahan). New Delhi: Debt has continued to overwhelm farmers in Punjab since the rollout of Congress’s loan waiver scheme in January 2018. Four hundred thirty farmers and farm labourers with outstanding loans ranging between Rs 1-20 lakh committed suicide in the intervening one year period, the Indian Express reported. The data, which is based on revenue department and police records,...
More »Jean Dreze, the Belgian-Indian economist, interviewed by Ujjawal Krishnam (National Herald)
-National Herald Well-known Belgian-Indian economist Jean Drèze, reflects on the times we live in this animated conversation with Ujjawal Krishnam Jean Drèze, the Belgian-Indian economist, true to his reputation, laces humour and an acerbic wit to reflect on the times we live in. Self deprecating, he brushes aside the question how he juggles between his roles as economist, activist and teacher. He wonders at the multi-tasking ability of Indian women instead. Nor...
More »Tenant farmers being left high and dry -B Yerram Raju
-The Hindu Business Line It is vital to cover the important and vulnerable section of tenant farmers with credit and insurance Tenant farmers rarely get bank credit. They don’t get any subsidies. Money lenders thrive on them because their loans cannot be waived. They also account for 80 per cent of farmers’ suicides in the country. With farmers taking to the streets to highlight their issues these problems should be addressed. State level...
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