-The Indian Express The Lok Sabha MPs together ran up a bill over Rs 5.69 crore by overstaying. Bills of 27 Lok Sabha MPs, who stayed at the Ashok Hotel in New Delhi during the last one year, have not been approved by the Lok Sabha Secretariat since these MPs had been allotted government accommodation but chose to stay on at the hotel for one reason or the other. They together ran...
Inform voters before deleting their names : CIC to EC
-The Times of India New Delhi: The Central Information Commission has directed the Chief Electoral Officer (CEO) of Delhi to prepare a set of guidelines that needs to be followed before deleting names from the voters' list and inform the electors of the prosposed deletion giving opportunity to present their case. The Commission directed the CEO to pay a compensation of Rs 10,000 to one Sumit whose name was deleted from the...
More »A database of RTI martyrs in the pipeline
A long-pending demand of civil society activists and NGOs, who are campaigning for probity, accountability, and transparency in public life, is going to be fulfilled soon. A welcome move has been made by the Government to enumerate and publish data on crimes committed against media persons, Right to Information activists, and whistleblowers in the forthcoming edition of Crime in India, which is published annually by the National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB)...
More »Delhi lacks policy to look after disabled -Manash Pratim Gohain
-The Times of India NEW DELHI: Nearly 2% of the population of Delhi falls in the persons with disability category. However, 20 years after passing of the Persons with Disabilities Act 1995, there is no state policy on disability in place in the national capital. The Act was notified by the Delhi government in 2001, but successive governments have done little beyond that. While it took three years to just constitute the...
More »Weary, wary of RTI regulars, PSUs drawing up list to block them -Subhomoy Bhattacharjee
-The Indian Express SCOPE seeks list of ‘habitual seekers of queries’ from public sector enterprises, former CIC says existing RTI law does not allow such segregation Central public sector companies are trying to identify people who repeatedly use the Right to Information (RT) route to ferret out information from them. Companies are trawling their records about such people and will match data to draw up a checklist. And they plan to use...
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