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NGO trustees asked me to travel as per invite: Bedi

-PTI   Under fire for overcharging organisers using inflated bills, Team Anna member Kiran Bedi on Sunday night said that she has been directed by the trustees of her NGO India Vision Foundation to travel strictly as per the conditions put by the host and not use any discretion. "Foundation trustees have passed resolution directing me to travel strictly as per invite. This leaves NO room for discretion," she wrote on the micro-blogging...

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Govt approves Rs. 8,800 crore for Aadhaar project by Surabhi Agarwal & Asit Ranjan Mishra

The finance ministry has approved a budget of Rs. 8,814.75 crore for the nodal agency executing the government’s Aadhaar project, under which all residents of India will be provided unique identification (UID) numbers. The Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) will use the Money to pay registrars who are enrolling people for Aadhaar, as well as to build the project’s technical systems.   The UIDAI, which pays registrars Rs. 50 per enrolment, is...

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Reduce Inequalities to Boost Health, WHO Says by Fabíola Ortiz

Economic status, education, access to clean water and sanitation, nutrition and the environment determine the level of health of persons, communities or countries, and so does the extent to which rights are enjoyed or denied. The World Conference on Social Determinants of Health, held Oct. 19-21 in Brazil, defined 15 commitments that should be undertaken by governments, international organisations, the private sector and civil society.  The final document, the Rio Political Declaration...

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Oh, It Happens by Neelabh Mishra

Police officers of Chhattisgarh would have us believe that people fall inside bathrooms at police stations deliberately to break their own heads or backs and later blame it on custodial torture. They say that’s what happened with Soni Sori, an ashramshala teacher from Jabeli village in the Maoist-affected Dantewada district of Chhattisgarh, on October 10. In pain, drifting in and out of consciousness, benumbed by the ‘good cop, bad cop’...

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Kejriwal, Kiran Bedi come under fresh attack

-PTI   Questions were raised on Sunday about the use of funds donated by the public to Team Anna with Swami Agnivesh alleging that Money was deposited in the trust run by Arvind Kejriwal from which the names of major team members were missing, a claim dismissed as made “out of anger”. Besides Team Anna detractor Swami Agnivesh, another former member ‘Waterman’ Rajinder Singh also raised the issue urging Mr. Kejriwal to come...

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