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Farmers from Maharashtra to sell produce directly in Delhi -Parthasarathi Biswas

-The Indian Express The FPC movement in Maharashtra has seen much action over the last year or so. Working under the banner of MahaFPC, the FPCs had purchased more than 25,000 MT of tur last year. Pune: After their success in government procurement, the Farmer Producers Companies (FPCs) of Maharashtra are eyeing the wholesale markets in other states as avenues for their produce. In the first phase MahaFPC, the consortium of...

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India's Livestock Markets Have Historically Been Marked By Mobility and Cross-Country Transactions -Himanshu Upadhyaya Legislative action that primarily looks at cattle mobility as ‘acts of smuggling cattle out of state for slaughter’ is deeply misguided and betrays a misunderstanding of how India’s cattle have been bought and sold since the British Raj. Like many poorly drafted laws, the recently notified Livestock Markets (Regulation) Rules is so pre-occupied with its self-righteousness that it fails to realise the harm that it would cause. If the colonial era’s...

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Battle over cattle -Himanshu Upadhyaya Banning cattle slaughter, like demonetisation, may deliver political gains but will hit the rural economy hard More than a century ago, a team of officials from Brazil toured some villages of Kheda district, in central Gujarat. They had come to procure breeding bulls of the famous Kankreji breed, notes Bhailal Patel, a charismatic institution-builder who was also the first leader of opposition in Gujarat assembly, in his memoirs. It was of...

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813 farmers on loan waiver list from Mumbai, CM Fadnavis 'surprised'

-PTI MUMBAI: Mumbai city and its suburbs are home to as many as 813 farmers on loan waiver list, a figure which has "surprised" Maharashtra chief minister Devendra Fadnavis who has ordered a scrutiny before sanctioning the waivers. These farmers figure in the list of probable beneficiaries eligible for benefits under the Rs 34,000-crore loan waiver scheme+ announced by the State Government last month. The Mumbai city and its suburbs are urbanised areas,...

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Anti-Graft Forum Questions Centre's Appointment of Firm Accused of Scams for Black Money Probes -Gaurav Vivek Bhatnagar PricewaterhouseCoopers, convicted in the Rs 7,000 crore Satyam scam, had also audited accounts of Vijay Mallya’s firm and the Global Trust Bank, which collapsed. New Delhi: The Narendra Modi government’s appointment of PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) India to key projects like black money probes, Digital India, Make in India and Smart Cities project has been questioned by the Citizens Whistleblowers Forum. The group has also expressed concern over the RBI’s engagement of the...

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