Total Matching Records found : 9674

Push irrigation, not dams -Mihir Shah

-The Indian Express We can add millions of hectares to irrigated land without building a single new dam. We just need to adopt a different method of managing the water already stored in them. One of the drivers of India’s irrigation sector has been the construction of large dams on our rivers, which Jawaharlal Nehru famously described as “the temples of modern India”. While these dams have helped increase India’s irrigated...

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Natural farm products get boost with new project -Jabir Mushthari

-The Hindu Kerala: 'Vithu Muthal Vipani Vare Vishudhi' launched by Earth Care Foundation to ensure maximum price for Farmers and toxin-free food for consumers. The Earth Care Foundation Trust, a non-profitable organisation working for spreading zero-budget farming methods, has launched a project ‘Vithu Muthal Vipani Vare Vishudhi’ in the district on Tuesday aimed at ensuring a steady market for the produces of registered natural Farmers. Besides, the trust also aims at giving them...

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Take Steps to Prevent Farmer Suicides -Charan Singh and CL Dadhich

-The New Indian Express The problem of Farmer suicides has assumed a serious proporition. The toll is increasing year after year. According to the National Crime Record Bureau (NCRB), as many as 5,650 Farmers committed suicide in India last year. This works out to one Farmer suicide in every 100 villages or one Farmer suicide in every block in the country last year. State-wise, Maharashtra accounted for the highest number of...

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NREGA improving the lives of poor, says study

Although MGNREGA has been looked upon with suspicion by the Government, industry as well as the landed farming class for various reasons including inefficiency, leakages, corruption, rise in rural wages, cost escalation etc., a new report reveals that the programme reduced poverty among its participants between 2004-05 and 2011-12 by providing employment. The report entitled Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act: A Catalyst for Rural Transformation has estimated that...

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Spectre of drought rubs salt on wounds of Farmers in Karnataka -Nagesh Prabhu

-The Hindu Bengaluru: After slump in prices and harassment from moneylenders, the farming community now faces another hardship – failure of kharif crops owing to severe drought. About 26 per cent of the sown area has withered owing to scanty rainfall in more than 20 districts of the State. Already nearly 200 Farmers committed suicides owing to indebtedness and other reasons in the last four months in the State. The South-West monsoon being...

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