-The Times of India BANGALORE: Safe drinking water for all is a common proMISe in the manifestos of all political parties. Yet, villagers in North Karnataka are drinking water with high arsenic content, said a Comptroller and Auditor General report released on Thursday. Though the National Rural Drinking Water MISsion looked into the issue, it made a conscious effort to keep itself away from the high-cost treatment technologies to deal with arsenic...
Malnourished children in India risk being poor students! -Ankita Chakrabarty
-Zee Research Group, Delhi A new global study featuring India among other nations has apprehended that malnourished children fared poorly at studies. This study has huge bearing for India as about 40 per cent of its children are malnourished. The Save the Children's ‘Food for Thought2013' report found that chronically malnourished children are 20 per cent less literate than those with a healthier diet, and less able to read or write a simple...
More »About 48% of children in India are stunted: Unicef
-Reuters LONDON: Some 165 million children worldwide are stunted by malnutrition as babies and face a future of ill health, poor education, low earnings and poverty, the head of the United Nations children's fund said on Friday. Anthony Lake, executive director of Unicef, told Reuters the problem of malnutrition is vastly under-appreciated, largely because poor nutrition is often MIStaken for a lack of food. In reality, he said, malnutrition and its irreversible health...
More »SP in favour of parties coming under RTI -Pervez Iqbal Siddiqui
-The Times of India LUCKNOW: Breaking ranks with the other parties, the Samajwadi Party on Thursday said it favoured a mechanism of checks and balances for transparency in the functioning of the political parties. The SP was referring to the June 3, 2013, ruling of the chief information comMISsioner (CIC) that says political parties come under the Right to Information (RTI) Act. Almost all national parties have opposed the CIC ruling. National...
More »Dropping the green ball
-The Business Standard India is not working hard enough on climate change Shortly before World Environment Day on Wednesday, it was reported that the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere had soared to its highest level in three million years. Data captured by the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration revealed that environmental incidence of the gas mostly responsible for trapping heat had crossed 400 parts per million - a level...
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