Total Matching Records found : 13961

Lower spectrum cost, right of way for cheaper access to Internet -Nikhil Pahwa

-Hindustan Times During his town hall address at IIT Delhi, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg said: “Those who don’t have access to the internet cannot sign online petitions.” But how can he decide what is best for them? Recent research by Amba Kak at the Oxford Internet Institute found that financially constrained users prefer buying shorter duRATion Internet plans (e.g. three days) with all access, as opposed to WhatsApp-only plans that are...

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New high-yield arhar variety could solve pulses shortage -Sanjeeb Mukherjee

-Business Standard Because of low yields, pulses accounts for less than 10% of India's annual foodgrains output, though it occupies 20% of area under foodgrains New Delhi: As the country grapples with recurring increase in pulses price, scientists at the Indian Council of Agriculture Research (ICAR) have come up with a solution to address the shortage in the commodity. Scientists at Kanpur-based Indian Institute of Pulses Research (IIPR), an affiliate organisation of ICAR,...

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Maternal mortality: Karnataka, fourth in south -Afshan Yasmeen

-The Hindu Bengaluru: Although the 2013 District-Level Household and Facility Survey (DLHS-4) reveals that the maternal mortality RATe in Karnataka has dropped from 178 in 2008 to 133 in 2013, Karnataka is still way behind its southern peers on maternal health. For every 1,00,000 childbirths in Karnataka, 133 mothers die, ranking the State fourth in south India and seventh in India. While Kerala tops the list, Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh have...

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Male child still preferred, shows Census data -Rukmini S

-The Hindu New Census data indicates that two processes around the preference for a male child are going on simultaneously in India — prenatal sex determination and repeated pregnancies. Data on family sizes and sex RATios released on Monday showed that at every family size, there were more boys born than girls. However as family sizes got bigger, the sex RATio within the family got much less skewed, indicating that families with...

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Spending time on domestic chores can impact education, finds study -Shreya Roy Chowdhury

-The Times of India NEW DELHI: A new study has found time spent on domestic chores can impact education. Data collected from 952 children and their communities in Andhra Pradesh and Telangana has shown that 12-year-olds who spend three hours or more on household chores in a day are 70% less likely to complete secondary education. These findings came to light after Renu Singh and Protap Mukherjee studied data gathered through the...

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