-Livemint.com Effective policy changes at the state-level are needed as this is where the problem and its solutions lie—and not in a National Agricultural Market There have been many attempts at alleviating the pain of the Farmer in India, be it natural calamities or market risks, but nothing seems to work, and the problems of Farmer distress and indebtedness continue to grow. For some time now, there has been a focus...
Copyrights for Farmers: Role of Agricultural Intermediaries -Shalini Bhutani
-Economic and Political Weekly A number of state agencies and non-governmental organisations have come forward to facilitate Farmers/breeders to register their crop varieties and obtain plant variety certifi cates. But can these agencies bring forth a change in the mindset of the small Farmers and seed savers' groups who view the current intellectual property regime with scepticism and continue to keep away from it? Shalini Bhutani (shalinibhutani@hotmail.com) is a legal researcher and...
More »A policy failure in pulses -Ashutosh Kumar Tripathi
-The Financial Express The criteria for fixing MSP of pulses should be sensitive to prevailing market prices The agricultural price policy, which aimed at providing a remunerative and stable price environment to Farmers through MSPs and obligatory procurement by government agencies, has helped India overcome massive food shortages to emerge as a net exporter of food. Though the Terms of Reference (ToR) of the Agricultural Prices Commission requires that policy-induced incentive should...
More »Karnataka Farmer suicide rate hits highest in a decade -Nidheesh MK
-Livemint.com A total of 158 Farmers killed themselves in July in the state, bringing this year’s toll of Farmer suicides to 197, the most since 2003 Bengaluru: The Farmer suicide rate in Karnataka has hit the highest level in a decade, highlighting agrarian distress in the state. A total of 158 Farmers killed themselves in July alone in the state, government data showed, bringing this year’s toll of Farmer suicides to 197,...
More »Now, an app to help Farmers source seed -Deepa H Ramakrishnan
-The Hindu This agriculture dept. offering will also help them find out fertilizer availability Tamil Nadu: As Farmers in the delta districts eagerly await the opening of the Mettur dam, they are also thinking of other things they need – seeds and fertilizers. To ensure that Farmers get their inputs on time, the agriculture department has recently introduced a system whereby they can check availability online. Using smart phones, it has linked 9,600...
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