-PTI Setting a precedent before his cabinet colleagues, Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Akhilesh Yadav has officially declared his assets and liabilities worth over Rs 4.83 crore. Akhilesh, 38, who uploaded details of his assets and liabilities on the official website of the state government, is the first Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister to make a public declaration. In the 2009 Lok Sabha elections when Akhilesh filed his nomination papers for Kannauj parliamentary seat, he...
World Bank approves $4.3b aid to India to fight poverty
Source: PTI/IANS The World Bank has announced $4.3 billion in financial aid to India through a new innovative and flexible financing arrangement to help the country fight poverty. The arrangement, while facilitating a $4.3 billion increase in support to India, is designed to maintain International Bank for Reconstruction and Development's -- which is its lending arm -- net exposure within the limit of $17.5 billion established by it. In a statement, the World...
More »The Rs 28 Diet Plan-Anuradha Raman
Trying—and failing—to live on the govt’s definition of ‘not poor’ Dietetics Of Poverty Three cups of tea, adding up to about 150 calories Two slices of bread (100 calories) Two pieces of kulcha with chhole (about 425 calories) Bread and tea hardly contain any nutrients. Milk may provide some calcium. Near-starvation diets, with hardly any vitamins or minerals, can lead to a breakdown of muscles and weight loss over a...
More »World Bank approves $4.3 billion aid to India to fight poverty
-PTI The World Bank has announced $ 4.3 billion financial aid to India through a new innovative and flexible financing arrangement to help the country fight poverty. This arrangement, while facilitating a $ 4.3 billion increase in support to India, is designed to maintain International Bank for Reconstruction and Development's (IBRD) - which is its lending arm - net exposure within the limit of $ 17.5 billion established by it. In a statement,...
More »Large-scale exodus of Melghat tribals for jobs-Vaibhav Ganjapure
Ritesh Gautam is a resident of a backward area in Pohara village in Dharni tehsil in Melghat. He migrated to Madhya Pradesh in search of work. Manohar Bode from Seamdoh village went to Solapur for the same reason. Both are back home to celebrate Holi, the biggest festival of tribals. Like Gautam and Bode, there are many youth from the region who left home in search of jobs. They are victims...
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