-The Hindu The Delhi government stopped releasing yet another information on the COVID-19 outbreak in the city. The government on Thursday stopped sharing hospital-wise figures of COVID-19-related deaths in the city, in a daily health bulletin. The government spokesperson did not comment on the reason why the data is not provided. “The total number of deaths sent by hospitals is being audited and it will be updated again once it is complete,”...
When a News Article Vanishes, We Have More Than Just a Pandemic to Worry About -Priyanka Pulla
-TheWire.in An article critical of the government's response to COVID-19 was published on The New Indian Express's website on May 8, and disappeared from its link within a day. Last week, The New Indian Express, one of India’s major English newspapers, pulled down an article that was heavily critical of the Centre’s response to the COVID-19 outbreak. The article, entitled ‘Centre’s COVID-19 Communication Plan: hold back data, gag agencies and scientists’, discussed...
More »80% of urban workers lost jobs during Coronavirus lockdown: survey
-The Hindu The Azim Premji University COVID-19 Livelihoods Survey also found that 61% of urban households money to buy even a week’s worth of essentials According to the Azim Premji University COVID-19 Livelihoods Survey, about 80% of urban workers lost their jobs during the lockdown. The average weekly earnings of those who were still employed fell by 61%. About 80% of urban households consumed less food in April-May compared to February, and 61%...
More »‘Sarkar is Only for the Rich, the Poor Are Meant to Die’ -Ajaz Ashraf
-Newsclick.in Meet Siya Ram, president of Dalit Ekta Camp, a JJ cluster in Delhi’s Vasant Kunj colony, an upwardly-mobile residential neighbourhood. The Modi government’s decision to impose a national lockdown, on since 24 March, to check the spread of the Novel Coronavirus has caused tremendous hardship to the poor. Its most lamentable symbol has been the sight of lakhs of migrants fleeing cities to villages, walking or cycling down the highway or...
More »Coronavirus lockdown: Industrial output shrank 16.7% in March 2020
-The Hindu All categories of manufacturing industries showed a contraction in production, with the worst affected being the automobile sector India’s factory output plummeted to record lows in March, with the Index of Industrial Production contracting 16.7%, reflecting the drastic impact of the countrywide lockdown that began on March 25. This comes after a positive growth of 4.5% recorded in February. Manufacturing sector output slumped 20% in March, while electricity generation shrank almost...
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