-PTI The retail price of onion in Delhi ranges between Rs 30 and 40 per kg. The government on Friday said it will sell onion, pulses and edible oil in the open market from its buffer stocks and take immediate action against hoarders creating artificial shortages. The retail price of onion in Delhi ranges between Rs 30 and 40 per kg. The wholesale price in the benchmark Lasalgaon mandi in Maharashtra was recorded...
Economic growth problem: It's time now for Modi-II to undo the damage -TN Ninan
-Business Standard Aiming for unachievable growth rates would compound past errors. The economy has to lower its sights, and do some hard thinking about how to come out of the present hole, writes T N Ninan There is a general sense that the economic growth problem came upon us suddenly in the last few months. In some ways, it did — for example, through the continuing fallout of the collapse 11 months...
More »Biscuit-maker Parle says it may have to sack 8,000 to 10,000 workers amid slowdown in sales
-Scroll.in The company said higher taxes in the GST system had forced it to increase prices. It caused consumer demand to fall. Biscuit maker Parle Products Private Limited on Tuesday said it may lay off almost 10,000 employees if the demand slowdown continues, The Economic Times reported. “We have sought reduction in the Goods and Services Tax on biscuits priced at Rs 100 per kg or below, which are typically sold in...
More »Linking farmers to futures market in India -Tirtha Chatterjee, Raghav Raghunathan and Ashok Gulati
-Indian Council for Research on International Economic Relations (ICRIER), Working Paper 383 Farmers, especially small and marginal, do not directly trade in agri-futures market in India. Their small size, lack of trust and understanding of futures market and dependence on middlemen, are some of the main deterrents. The role of Farmer Producer Organizations (FPOs) is crucial in this context since they can procure commodities, aggregate them and ensure that size and...
More »A reality check indicates that MSP set for 2019-20's kharif crops is not 1.5 times the 'C2' cost of production
A recent press release by the Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs (CCEA) shows that the declared minimum support price (MSP) for most kharif crops to be marketed in 2019-20 is at least 50 percent above the cost of production. The official information related to the newly declared MSP, which came two days ahead of the Union Budget presentation, gives the impression that the newly re-elected NDA government has kept its promise...
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