-The Hindu 68% of villages still safe, says Additional Chief Secretary, Health Lucknow: Thirty-two percent of villages in Uttar pradesh have reported positive cases of COVID-19, a senior State official said on Wednesday. So far, 28,742 villages in the State reported positive cases during a testing drive in 89,512 villages, said Amit Mohan Prasad, Additional Chief Secretary, Health. There was no COVID-19 infection in 68% of these villages, said the official, implying that cases...
Agri Ministry’s New App Gives Microsoft Access to Millions of Farmers’ Personal Data -Sashwata Saha
-TheCitizen.in ‘The whole process is faceless’ As the managing director of CropData Sachin Suri explained to Microsoft’s news desk last year, the abstract looking artwork behind him is not a painting. “This is actually a spectral analysis satellite image of farms. Each tiny spot, or a geo-spatial tile, is an actual field in Punjab and the different colors denote the stress levels in individual farms.” That frame is the crux of what CropData,...
More »Coronavirus: FIR filed against former UP village head after he complained of lack of facilities
-Scroll.in Several reports showed Covid-19 patients in Mewla Gopalgarh village lying under a neem tree as they struggled to find hospital beds. The police in Uttar pradesh have filed a first information report against the former head of a village for allegedly giving false statements to the media about the coronavirus and spreading rumours to tarnish the government’s image, The Times of India reported on Wednesday. The Times of India and The Wire...
More »Villagers in Varanasi turn to Dih Baba, goddesses and rituals to ward off COVID-19 -Sunil Kashyap
-CaravanMagazine.in As the second wave of COVID-19 spreads to rural areas with minimal healthcare, villages across the Varanasi district of Uttar pradesh have been conducting a 21-day puja to ward off the virus. The puja involves worshipping and invoking the protection of local patron saints, collectively referred to as Dih Baba, and pacifying goddesses associated with epidemics, such as Sheetala Mata. “Hospitals are in terrible condition and there are no medicines,...
More »UP: Over 1600 Teachers Died of COVID-19 After Poll Duty for Panchayat Elections -Manoj Singh
-TheWire.in The Uttar pradesh Primary Teachers’ Association has sent a list of the victims to the chief minister and put forth demands including financial assistance to family members of the teachers who have died. Gorakhpur: At least 1621 teachers and support staff have so far died from COVID-19 following poll duty during the recently concluded Uttar pradesh panchayat elections, according to information provided by the Uttar pradesh Primary Teachers’ Association on May...
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