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By 2017, India's slum population will rise to 104 million -Dipak Kumar Dash

-The Times of India NEW DELHI: India's slum population will surge to 104 million by 2017 - or around 9% of the total projected national population of 1.28 billion that year. This means urban planners will face escalating challenges as these slums will mostly proliferate in sleepy towns and in semi-rural areas, a consequence of an accelerating rural to urban shift across the nation. According to data provided in Parliament, Maharashtra, Uttar Pradesh,...

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Where have all the women gone? -Vani S Kulkarni, Manoj K Pandey and Raghav Gaiha

-The Hindu Overcoming son preference in India remains a daunting challenge as even educated women are prone to it Have women fared better than men, and girls better than boys in the last decade or so? In the din over a dramatic reduction in poverty in the period 2009/10-2011/12 that is unlikely to die down, deep questions about the discrimination and deprivation that women face from the womb to the rest of...

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Choice Not Genes Probable Cause for the India-Africa Child Height Gap -Seema Jayachandran and Rohini Pande

-Economic and Political Weekly In his article, "Does India Really Suffer from Worse Child Malnutrition Than Sub-Saharan Africa?", Arvind Panagariya makes an impassioned case against accepting traditional measures that indicate that Indian children suffer from worse malnutrition than their African counterparts. This phenomenon - that Indian children are more stunted despite the country's better performance on an array of other health and development indicators was dubbed the "South Asian Enigma" in...

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Indian economy destroyed by mindless consumption -Bharat Jhunjhunwala

-The Hindustan Times In his Independence Day address, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh said the rupee is down because of the global economic crisis. A look at the events of the last decade reveals otherwise. When the global economy was doing well between 2002 and 2008, the rupee was stable at about Rs. 45 to a dollar. When the global crisis erupted in 2008 and continued until 2012, the rupee held stable...

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Fleeing the light -Aruna Roy and Nikhil Dey

-The Hindu Political parties have acted as judge, jury, supplicant and advocate in their move to amend the RTI Act and exempt themselves from its purview. Their rhetoric on transparency is more hollow than ever A friend called the other day, and said: "I want to congratulate all of you in the RTI community, because you have managed to do what no one, and nothing else has managed to for a long...

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