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Food subsidies still haunt India at WTO -Uttam Gupta

-The Hindu Business Line But they needn’t, if India sticks to the view that the benchmark price for measuring extent of support is too low and outdated India is concerned over the delay in reaching a ‘permanent solution’ to the problem of dealing with food procurement subsidies. The WTO members are thrashing out a work programme for the 10th Ministerial to be held in Nairobi this December. Under Agreement on Agriculture (AoA), developing...

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Socio Economic Caste Census: Has It Ignored Too Many Poor Households? -NC Saxena

-Economic and Political Weekly A survey to identify who the poor are and how many are actually poor is necessary if programmes and benefits targeted at the needy are to reach them. The Socio Economic Caste Census, of which partial results have been published, was intended to do this. Yet, even a cursory look at the figures indicates that they call for a willing suspension of disbelief. N C Saxena ( was...

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Green plan for highways: 1% project cost to be set aside to plant trees -Anil Sasi & Sharmistha Mukherjee

-The Indian Express Planting fruit-bearing trees specific to the region can aid revenue generation The road ministry has finalised a “green highways” policy to “tree-line” 140,000 kilometres of national highways. Under this policy, one per cent of the civil cost of national highway development projects will have to be set aside for the planting of trees in a planned manner, covering both existing NH sections and new routes that would be added...

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India’s new farm suicides data: myths and facts -Rukmini S

-The Hindu There has been a lot of misreporting and conspiracy theorising about the new farm suicide numbers. No doubt, these numbers – as with most crime data – likely underestimate the problem. Farmers without clear land title, for instance, may not be recognised as Farmers, artificially lowering their number. The negative media reporting around farm suicides may also be an incentive against the police reporting a farm suicide as one. These...

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NCRB messed up data on Farmers’ suicides: Naidu -Nagesh Prabhu

-The Hindu Bengaluru: Union Parliamentary Affairs Minister M.Venkaiah Naidu has termed the statement made by Union Agriculture Minister Radha Mohan Singh on Farmers’ suicides in the country as “objectionable and unacceptable”, and said the mistake occurred due to "messed up data" provided by the National Crime Records Bureau. In a reply to a question at a press conference in Bengaluru on Saturday, Mr. Naidu said, “the statement as reported is objectionable and...

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