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India growth story marred by disturbing inequity -Sachin Kumar Jain

-Down to Earth 68th Round of National Sample Survey makes it amply clear that the wave of economic growth has not percolated down from the 0.003 per cent of population of ruling elite (as per Income Tax records, only 42,800 persons have taxable Income more than Rs 1 crore in India). 99.996 per cent population is spending between just Rs 25.90 and Rs 37.36 per capita per day (average MPCE) in...

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Funds dry up for drug discovery project -Rema Nagarajan

-The Times of India Funding for one of the foremost drug discovery projects in India came to an end on Monday as the financial year closed because the ministry of science and technology did not clear the cabinet note meant to extend funding for the project on time. The Open Source Drug Discovery (OSDD) project of the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), meant to discover drugs for neglected diseases, had...

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Health expense is a major burden on rural citizenry

The share of total expenditure on medical and Healthcare is comparatively higher for an average rural citizen than his/her urban counterpart, reveals the latest available National Sample Survey Report (68th Round) entitled Level and Pattern of Consumer Expenditure 2011-12.   Although an average urban Indian spends nearly 84 percent higher than his/her rural counterpart in a month, the share of total outlay on medical expense* is higher in case of the...

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UN panel on climate change presents gloomy picture for Asia in its fresh report -Vishwa Mohan

-The Times of India NEW DELHI: A UN panel on Monday morning released its much awaited report which assessed impacts of climate change on human lives, natural resources and marine ecosystem across the globe. It predicted a gloomy picture for Asia where most of the countries, including India and China, will not only have to face more extreme weather events but also have to experience severe stress on drinking water and...

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Climate change: IPCC report warns of looming food crisis -Arnab Pratim Dutta

-Down to Earth The report-Climate Change 2014: Impacts, Adaptation, and Vulnerability-says erratic and extreme weather, like severe droughts, floods and heat waves will affect food production across the world Growing food could become harder which could lead to a food crisis says the latest report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). The apex body on climate change science released its report on March 31, 2014 in Yokohama Japan. It paints...

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