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Karnataka is serving hot cooked meals to mothers but caste is coming in the way -Nayantara Narayanan The state launched the Mathru Poorna scheme in October 2017. It has had some early success but faces stiff challenges. Anganwadi Centre Six in Sathegala village is airy and clean. The government-run crèche is also well equipped for the Mathru Poorna scheme. Launched in October last year as part of Karnataka government’s initiatives to combat hunger and malnutrition, the scheme offers freshly cooked meals to all pregnant and lactating women...

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'Disciplined, democratic and dignified': P Sainath on the path shown to us by the Kisan Long March The Kisan Long March will leave an enduring mark, the journalist writes in the preface to a new book that documents the historic struggle. Weeks after the Long March, the idea and image still lingers – of 40,000 people walking over 200-km, the last 10-15 km in darkness and silence (as silent as it is possible for such a multitude to be). Those farmers and landless peasants walked into Mumbai,...

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One medicine, five chemists, five PRIce tags, from Rs 1,550 to Rs 255 -- all at one hospital -Adil Akhzer

-The Indian Express The pharmacies are crowded, and customers usually accept the brand that those manning the counters hand out to them. At all the shops, queries about other brands are met with: “Only this one is available with us”. Chandigarh: At the Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research (PGIMER), a patient has the choice to get fleeced or save herself from open wallet surgery. But it all depends on the...

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Electricity reached all Indian villages on Saturday -Utpal Bhaskar All Indian villages now have access to electricity. The last village to be brought on the national power grid was Leisang village in the Senapati district of Manipur at 5.30pm today New Delhi: All Indian villages now have access to electricity. The last village to be brought on the national power grid was Leisang village in the Senapati district of Manipur at 5.30pm on Saturday. With the electricity now reaching all villages...

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Member of PM's Advisory Council Accused of 'Inventing' Employment Data Surjit Bhalla, who draws on CMIE’s database and EPFO data, notes that job creation in 2017 was likely 15 million. New Delhi: The head of the Centre for Monitoring of Indian Economy (CMIE) has accused economist Surjit Bhalla, who is a member of the PRIme Minister’s Economic Advisory Council (PMEAC), of distorting and “dishonestly presenting” its nationwide employment survey to claim that India created 15 million jobs in 2017. The CMIE does...

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