-PTI Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman said the Life Insurance Corporation of India (LIC) will be listed as part of the government disinvestment initiative. LIC employees' unions on Saturday opposed the Centre's plan to sell a part of its shares in the state-run insurance behemoth through an initial public offer (IPO), insisting that the move is "against the national interest". Please click here to read more. ...
Health sees minuscule increase; govt to privatise district hospitals -Sumi Sukanya Dutta
-The New Indian Express The proposal, mentioned in the Budget, has raised doubts. NEW DELHI: The idea to privatise district hospital — on which the Centre’s top think tank Niti Aayog is still trying to build consensus — was declared as the official policy of the Modi government on Saturday. Union Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman, in her budget speech, said that district hospitals will be attached with private medical colleges on public-private...
More »A Budget exercise that is designed for stressed times -TT Ram Mohan
-The Hindu The FM deserves credit for keeping the capital expenditure steady amid receipts shortfall; but her plan does not meet market expectations of sweeping reforms The Finance Minister’s job is a greatly coveted one but no politician would want to be in Nirmala Sitharaman’s shoes today. The Indian economy has slowed to a 5% crawl. The financial system is under considerable stress. Assumptions about tax revenues have gone awry. The clamour...
More »Farmers' group not impressed with Union Budget 2020-21
-Press released by All India Kisan Sangharsh Coordination Committee (AIKSCC) dated 1st February, 2020 Delhi, February 1st 2020: Budget fails to increase rural demand and purchasing power which would have boosted the economy - instead, the Budget only boosts the profits of big corporates and MNCs, said AIKSCC. When the crying need in India’s economy is to increase the demand and purchasing power in rural areas, and hence rural incomes, the...
More »Budget 2020: Income tax slabs lowered for those who forgo exemptions
-The Hindu Announcing new income tax proposals in the Union Budget 2020, Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman said that the new tax rates will be optional. In a proposal to simplify the personal income tax regime, Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman, in the Union Budget 2020 speech, said that income tax rates will be “significantly reduced” for those who forgo reliefs and exemptions. The new tax rates will be optional, she said. Please click here...
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