-The Hindu After sitting on a key Bill to strengthen the law against atrocities on people belonging to the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes, the Modi government now appears keen on pushing it through during the Monsoon Session of Parliament, possibly with an eye on the forthcoming Bihar Assembly elections. The United Progressive Alliance government had promulgated the Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled Tribes (Prevention of Atrocities) Amendment Ordinance on March 4,...
Indian Metereologists Can't Figure Why Monsoon Is Defying El Nino -Jacob Koshy
-Huffington Post NEW DELHI - A searing El Nino was to have sucked the rains out of India, but meteorologists here can't explain why is it raining so much. Rains in north-west India are, as of 21st July, eight percent more than what the region usually gets between June 1 --the onset of the monsoon--and late July. Moreover the latest forecast from both state and private meteorologists is that beginning this week,...
More »Monsoons and markets -Ashok Gulati
-The Indian Express These are the root causes of agricultural distress. Farmers need better irrigation and access to markets. Speaking at the foundation day celebrations of the National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (Nabard) on July 12, Union Finance Minister Arun Jaitley said that there were reasons to smile on the economic front as India remains a bright spot, despite the global slowdown. He talked about the 7-8 per cent...
More »4 Signs That Indian Agriculture Is Headed In The Right Direction -Sanjeev Chopra
-HuffingtonPost Blog Almost all discussions on agriculture begin and end with concerns about the plight of the farmer, the margins of the intermediary, and the ineffectiveness of government policy to address the real issues of those engaged in agriculture. It is easy to blame the government, whether it's the dispensation at the state, Centre or both. Moreover, both are also perfectly capable of blaming each other, even if they are on...
More »Parliamentary panel pushes for law to jail errant builders -Shalini Nair
-The Indian Express Seeks stringent provisions in new law, says financial penalty is no deterrent since burden passed on to buyers. The Parliamentary Select Committee for the Real Estate (Regulation and Development) Bill 2013 is likely to push for more stringent clauses that may lead to imprisonment of builders if they do not fulfill their obligations to home-buyers. After holding public consultations across the country, several members of the panel are of...
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