-The Hindu The latest inflation readings based on the Wholesale Price Index and the Consumer Price Index are a cause for concern. While the annual gain in wholesale prices hit a 23-month high of 3.55 per cent in July, retail inflation quickened past the Centre’s new Monetary Policy Framework’s upper limit for tolerance to 6.07 per cent. Food costs — a key component in both indices — were the main culprit....
Food inflation to cool in August with prices of crops falling steeply amid good rains -Madhvi Sally
-The Economic Times NEW DELHI: Food inflation is poised to moderate significantly when data for August is released next month as the wholesale price of pulses has eased 30% while vegetable rates have dropped as much as 50% in some markets in the past four weeks because normal monsoon rainfall has raised prospects of a bumper harvest after two years of drought. Prices of all farm commodities are likely to fall noticeably...
More »Food prices may cool on kharif sowing; rate cut unlikely
-PTI The rise in wholesale prices may provide partial relief to manufacturers and producers, although it brings bad news for household budgets of consumers. Experts and industry said kharif sowing trends indicate cooling of food inflation in the coming months, even as chances of a rate cut in the near-term are low, given the rise in WPI and retail inflation. Wholesale inflation soared to a 23-month high of 3.55 per cent in July...
More »INDIA FOCUS: Rising Prices of Dal/ Pulses: How to deal with it? ... What's Being Done? ... A COMPREHENSIVE FACT CHECK...
Rising prices of dal: How to deal with it? The 68th session of the United Nations General Assembly declared 2016 as the International Year of Pulses. In India, however, ordinary citizens are under enormous duress due to the skyrocketing prices of dal/ lentils since the last one year. The website of Price Monitoring Cell of the Department of Consumer Affairs shows that dal prices varied across places. For example, the...
More »Food lifts WPI inflation to 23-month high
-The Hindu The acceleration will leave the RBI less space to cut rates Wholesale Price Inflation accelerated to a 23-month high of 3.6 per cent in July, driven mainly by higher food prices, according to official data.The pace of price gains as measured by the wholesale price index more than doubled in July from 1.62 per cent in June, leaving the Reserve Bank of India even less elbow room to cut benchmark...
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