-The Hindu Some changes were ordered on the direct instructions of the Prime Minister The Prime Minister's office has repeatedly ordered and orchestrated dilution of environment and forest clearances in order to fast-pace industrial projects, documents with The Hindu show. In a series of orders and missives sent to the Union Environment and Forests Ministry over 2012-2013, the PMO instructed that regulations and norms had to be diluted or done away with. These...
Govt asks independent evaluation office to study health insurance scheme- Kirthi V Rao
-Live Mint The health insurance scheme was expanded to cover a larger number of the poor in June New Delhi: The government has asked the independent evaluation office (IEO) to study the government's health insurance scheme, its director general said on Wednesday. The IEO, announced in 2009, was inaugurated on Wednesday. The cabinet has decided the Rashtriya Swasthya Bima Yojana (national health insurance scheme) will be evaluated by IEO, director general Ajay Chhibber...
More »The wealth of forests-Sunita Narain
-The Business Standard It is an inconvenient truth that the poorest people in India live in the country's richest forests. The management of this green wealth has not brought any benefits to the locals Forests have been blacked out in the economic assessment of the country. The Economic Survey does not even list forestry as a sector, for which accounts are prepared. Instead, it is lumped together with agriculture and fisheries. In...
More »Used or misused, the MPs’ funds -Shyamlal Yadav
-The Indian Express Starting today, The Indian Express tracks how MP Local Area Development funds have been spent in various districts, based on third-party audits. Last month, Rahul Gandhi said in Sevagram, Maharashtra, that half the country's MPs want their local area development (MPLAD) scheme to end. "If you ask MPs, at least 50 per cent of them will tell you put an end to this scheme because... the scheme does not...
More »FCI to Increase Inter-Regional Movement of Foodgrains
-Press Information Bureau (Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food & Public Distribution) In view of increased foograin movement requirement for the implementation of National Food Security Act, FCI has been making efforts to increase Inter-regional movement of foodgrains. It has been) has been rising over the years as under:- It is estimated that for the National Food Security Act (NFSA) implementation, against the allocation of 614.43 lakh tonnes, the...
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