-PTI The CBI on Saturday arrested a former official of a Uttar Pradesh government-owned public sector unit for his alleged involvement in the Rs 10,000 crore National Rural Health Mission (NRHM) scam. Sources said the accused, GK Batra, former MD of Shreeton India, was arrested following a day-long intensive interrogation by agency sleuths. The CBI has so far arrested five persons including former UP Small Industries Corporation md Abhay Kumar Bajpai, former...
NRHM scam: CBI issues notices to 11 officers, politicians
-The Times of India The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) on Thursday morning issued notices to 11 officers, contractors and politicians summoning them to Delhi headquarters of the agency for questioning in connection with the National Rural Health Mission (NRHM) scam. In Lucknow, a dozen member team of the CBI has started visitng the primary health centers and community centers to verify if the money sanctioned to the people under different...
More »Gulf migration took toll on children's education in Azamgarh by Abu Zafar
-IANS For 25 years, Mohammad Ikram worked day and night in SAUdi Arabia to fund the education of his four sons back home here, waiting for the day they would be able to stand on their own feet. But they dropped out of school and ruined his hopes forever. He is just one of many men in Azamgarh who left their families to eke out a living and support the education of...
More »$128 billion siphoned out in a decade by Subodh Varma
-The Times of India Even as the country continues to witness a campaign for a strong anti-corruption watchdog, a report has calculated that between $104 billion and $128 billion (roughly Rs 5 to 6 lakh crore) was illegally siphoned out of India in the decade spanning 2000 to 2009. This works out to an average outflow of about $10-13 billion (Rs 48,000 to Rs 63,000 crore) every year. The report has been prepared...
More »Lukewarm response to Mumbai protest by Vinaya Deshpande
Supporters who hit the streets are from all walks of life The response to Team Anna's protest in Mumbai was lukewarm on Tuesday, compared to the popular support it received in New Delhi earlier. Though members of India Against Corruption claimed that 30,000 people visited the MMRDA (Mumbai Metropolitan Region Authority) ground in the Bandra-Kurla Complex here, it did not look more than 3,000. There was a spurt in the number of...
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