-The Hindu With extensive screening, lockdown, COVID-19 hotbed Karanja brings down the cases from 134 to one Navi Mumbai has reported more than 4,000 COVID-19 cases, with a recovery rate of around 57%. But in the adjoining Uran, one village has managed to bring its recovery rate to 99.2%, with only one patient currently under treatment. Karanja village, which has eight padas and a population of around 10,000, had reported as many as...
Shift to cash crops, deficit rainfall to blame for agrarian crisis in Marathwada: IIT-B study -Priyanka Sahoo
-Hindustan Times A gradual shift towards cash crops at the expense of food crops and deficit rainfall over the years are the primary reasons behind the agrarian crisis in Maharashtra’s drought-hit Marathwada region, according to a study conducted by the Indian Institute of Technology-Bombay (IIT-B). Published in the Environmental Research Letters in May, the study analyses the role of rainfall deficits and cropping choices in loss of agricultural yield in Marathwada. The...
More »Fraud of Rs.57 lakh detected in JNU
-The Hindu New Delhi: A central expenditure audit Team has detected a fraud of ₹57 lakh by over 100 officials of Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU), in claiming leave travel concession and reimbursement of phone bills during the 2017-18 period. Executive Council While the varsity did not respond to queries pertaining to the same, a senior official, who did not wish to be named, said that the matter was put forth before the Executive...
More »University Online Classes during COVID-19 -- Exclusionary and Insufficient -Santosh Verma and Tripti Kumari
-Vikalp.ind.in The spread of COVID-19 and the subsequent lockdowns in India since the last week of March 2020 have put not just people’s health concerns at the forefront, but most of the economic and social sector activities are at halt. Amidst the virus spread and subsequent lockdowns, schools, colleges, universities (educational institutions) are closed without completing the academic calendar year. To deliberate on Teaching and learning processes and research activities in...
More »Tumse na ho payega: VC-making words -Pheroze L Vincent
-The Telegraph How a put-down propelled Minz to helm of Dumka Varsity Sonajharia Minz still remembers the stinging comment: “Tumse na ho payega (You’re not good enough).” These words from her school maths Teacher in Ranchi had propelled Minz, an Oraon tribeswoman from Gumla district in present-day Jharkhand, to resolutely pursue higher studies in mathematics. “I couldn’t get into an English-medium school as I was an Adivasi. But I did well at St Margaret’s,...
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