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Reality of US Farm Subsidies: An Analysis of Agricultural Act of 2014 -Biswajit Dhar & Roshan Kishore

-Economic and Political Weekly Biswajit Dhar ( teaches at the Centre for Economic Studies and Planning, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi. Roshan Kishore ( is currently a data journalist with Mint. With the formation of the World Trade Organization in 1995, the United States farm subsidies had moved towards income support, reducing spending on price support measures. The explicit reason was that the WTO had held that the latter forms were more...

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Rural households have higher debt than urban counterparts: NSSO report -Jitendra

-Down to Earth The debt in rural households is higher, even though their total assets are lesser than urban households   A new survey by the National Sample Survey Organisation (NSSO) shows that rural households have higher debts than their urban counterparts. At the same time, an urban household owns more than double the asset than that of a rural household. A rural household, on an average, owned assets of Rs 10...

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NITI Aayog panel on farm sector to submit report by month-end

-PTI NEW DELHI: A Niti Aayog panel on agriculture is likely to submit its final report, containing suggestions to re-invigorate farm and allied sectors, by the month-end. "The task force on agriculture headed by Arvind Panagariya (Niti Aayog Vice-Chairman) is likely to submit its final report by month-end after completing its consultations with States," a source said. Please click here to read more. ...

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Teen romance in line of child abuse law fire -Ananya Sengupta

-The Telegraph New Delhi: A 2012 law to protect children from sexual abuse is being used to target teen romance, a study of such cases in Delhi over the past three years suggests. The study by the National Law School, Bangalore, has shown that in 10 per cent of the cases filed under the Protection of Children from Sexual Offences Act, the accused was in a relationship with the victim. In another...

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Road map for Kerala -R Krishnakumar An initiative focussed on Kerala’s development experience exposes a worrying trend of rising inequality and proposes a strategy for sustainable and equitable growth. THE fourth international Congress on Kerala Studies, organised by the A.K.G. Centre for Study and Research in Thiruvananthapuram on January 9-10, has generated much interest for its focus on a worrying new trend in Kerala’s development experience: rising inequality and marginalisation of large sections of people despite...

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