The Bar Association of Punjab and Haryana High Court passed a resolution on Tuesday, condemning the Chief Justice of India (CJI) KG Balakrishnan and former Attorney General (AG) of India, Milon Banerjee for giving a clean chit to the controversial high court judge, Nirmal Yadav in the cash-in-bag scam. The CJI has been condemned by the Bar for his "willful and palpable abdication of duty" in denying sanction for prosecution...
Brinjal a madhouse hostage by Ajay Sukumaran and GS Mudur
High-decibel exchanges on genetically modified (GM) brinjal, potentially India’s first edible biotech crop, have sparked concerns among sections of scientists whether its fate now hinges on emotions rather than science. The last of a series of public consultations called by the Union environment ministry ended today in a packed auditorium at Central College, Bangalore, after four hours of debate, punctuated at times by shouts and sharp verbal exchanges. At one point,...
More »Apex Court Sets Aside HC Verdict To Pave Way For Panchayat Elections
The Supreme Court Bench headed by Chief Justice K. G. Balakrishnan set aside the verdict of Jharkhand High Court and upheld the constitutional validity of the amendment in the law that mandates reservations of the chairperson’s post of Panchayats at all levels for the Scheduled Tribe in all the scheduled areas. The bench struck down Section 4(G) of the Panchayat (Extension to Scheduled Areas) Act (PESA), 1996 and held that other...
More »Food for Debate
The now-familiar debate over Bt brinjal, the first genetically modified food crop almost poised for commercial production in India, posits greater productivity and resistance to pests against health and environmental concerns. A new semi-debate has been generated by the decision of the Union environment minister, Jairam Ramesh, to conduct public consultations across the country at which scientists, non-governmental organizations, and representatives of consumer bodies may present their views. Scientists in...
More »Advocate Sudha Bharadwaj interviewed by Jyoti Punwani
Advocate Sudha Bharadwaj of the Chhattisgarh Mukti Morcha and PUCL talks to Jyoti Punwani about Chhattisgarh, where the Centre has announced the start of its offensive against the Maoists: What news of the offensive? When Operation Green Hunt began in September, notice under Section 95 of the CrPC (which includes sedition) was served on newspapers for publishing the Maoists' press releases, which said that the only persons to have been...
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