-The Indian Express Ahead of Sitharaman's press conference, the Sensex jumped 1500 points or over 5 per cent to cross the 30,000 mark. The rupee also rose 64 paisa against the dollar to settle at 75.24. To help the economy come out of the coronavirus shock, Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman on Thursday announced a Rs 1.7 lakh crore package under Garib Kalyan Yojana that would largely benefit unorganised sector workers, especially daily...
Covid-19: An emergency economic manifesto -Yamini Aiyar and Mekhala Krishnamurthy
-Hindustan Times To prevent distress, the State must manage the movement of people, food, money, schemes India is now in a lockdown. Whether this lockdown saves us from the dangers of the coronavirus disease (Covid-19) or not is a question that will be answered in the future. But there is absolutely no doubt that the economy is suffering, and will continue to suffer enormously, putting millions of Indians in serious danger. The...
More »Give basic income of Rs 4,260 to all individuals in informal sector for 6 months: INBI -Tina Edwin
-The Hindu Business Line INBI has said that emergency basic income should be completely unconditional Close on the heels of the United States (US) and the United Kingdom (UK) announcing measures to protect incomes of vulnerable households through cash transfers and other fiscal measures, the Indian Network for Basic Income (INBI), an advocacy group working in the area of basic income transfers, has asked the Central Government to consider an emergency basic...
More »Economy infected: Task force has a prescription, concerns mount over delay -P Vaidyanathan Iyer
-The Indian Express Over the last one month, the government pulled out all stops to contain the spread of the Covid-19. During this period, economic ministries including Commerce and Industry, Heavy Industries, Road Transport, Civil Aviation, Pharmaceuticals and Consumer Affairs met and heard stakeholders. With Covid-19 wreaking havoc in Indian financial markets and global research and rating firms marking down GDP growth estimates by up to 100 basis points, Prime Minister Narendra...
More »Govt shouldn’t junk unpleasant data -Biswajit Mandal & Saswati Chaudhuri
-The Hindu Business Line Suppressing data that point to low growth, rising joblessness and poverty impedes effective policymaking in a crisis Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman, in her Budget speech, said “data is the new oil” and stressed on the credibility of data to combat the difficulties in real-time monitoring of the Indian Economy. She even proposed building data centre parks throughout the country so that skilful incorporation of data in every step...
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